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Thanks for the great level. I loved it.

However, I'm stuck towards the end and I'm not sure if it's a bug or I've missed something.

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Ah thanks. This was pointed out in beta and I thought I fixed it but I changed the Y instead of the X. I'll wait to see if any more errors can found before updating the download links.
I see. That explains why the warping there was so weird. I was confused for a bit if this was maybe a fake void screen that leads to a secret, like with that part in Advena. But considering I never got anywhere, no matter how far I fell, it didn't seem likely.
Ah thanks. This was pointed out in beta and I thought I fixed it but I changed the Y instead of the X. I'll wait to see if any more errors can found before updating the download links.
Knytt Stories / Re: [690+ level reviews] - Grading levels by Authors N-S
« Last post by Lucinda on May 20, 2024, 19:10:07 »
This conversation spun out. Can this be a new thread? This is supposed to be about pacifishi's level ratings.
Knytt Stories / Re: [690+ level reviews] - Grading levels by Authors N-S
« Last post by rh on May 20, 2024, 18:48:37 »
Or, you could respect my wish, and remove the file from the level archive.
Gliding left from here sends you to the void.
Yeah that's it. A flag gets switched on when you see the zapper. If you die after seeing it but before saving you'll have to revisit the zapper.
Yeah, I just didn't realize it at the time. When I saw that zapper, I thought this was the consequence of going to that place without first telling the chief I got the umbrella. I didn't expect the act of seeing the zapper to raise a flag. So I thought nothing of it when I died on the return trip. Didn't even notice it happened until I watched my recording of it.
Yeah that's it. A flag gets switched on when you see the zapper. If you die after seeing it but before saving you'll have to revisit the zapper.
Bit confused regarding progresison.
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Edit: Was it perhaps because I didn't save after reaching that spot? I saved right before it, but got killed on my way back before using another save point.
Edited first post for this: "You can jump down through some platforms. Try it if something seems suspicious!"

Nice to finally see this released. I was looking for something to keep me occupied for a while. And while I have mixed feelings about Advena and Reditus, they certainly succeeded at that.

Are you withholding this level from the archive in anticipation of bugfix updates or is it because of the 50MB limit? Because that's actually a lie. The true limit is 100MB.

I've never uploaded my levels to the archive. Someone asked to upload my first level and Advena was uploaded by I don't know who.
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