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Awesome, I'm looking forward to hearing about it!
Sounds terrific! I will play it tonight.
After about 2 years my urges for KS have returned once again. This new level is based on a story idea I've had stuck in my head for awhile, where you (the player) wake up without any past memories in a unknown location all by yourself. You then must travel through the mysterious world and piece together clues as to what happened and where everyone is. One of the reasons I almost always use my own tilesets in my levels it because I want to really immerse players into the story and the worlds it occurs in! So pay attention! There are lots of little visual hints throughout the world that reveal extra details in the story (also lots of lore can be found by "Pressing Down" on the computer monitors throughout the level)! I hope you guys enjoy it!

I had a week off work and nothing else to do so I threw this story together, it took me about 8 days of full time work (about 8-12 hours per day pretty much non-stop). That might not sound like much but it was a ton of planning and effort! Please let me know what you think about the end result!!!

As usual I made the level pretty tough, (but not Lunatic)!! I hope you all enjoy it! (And good luck finding all 5 GCs!)

(Easy version for those who are looking for a lesser challenge but still want the experience!)
I shall test. Send me a DM here or on the Discord when you are ready.
[KS Extended] [Challenge/maze] [Large] [Very hard] Solid soap

I'm looking for beta testers for my upcoming level. It's about 90% done but I can't get to make the remaining 10 so I may as well let other people test it. It has 3 endings, lots of collectibles and some stuff that was barely used in any of the few KS Ex levels that were made so far. Most importantly it has great soundrack by Lucinda.
I plan to release it around the end of the year because I won't have much time to work on it till October or so (my job is tied to vegetational season) so you if you don't have enough time right now but you're interested in it, it doesn't really matter, there will be plenty of time to test.

Preview thread for some screenshots.
Great level, really sets the bar high for little funny levels. I hope you two will continue to work together from time to time. I especially liked the flat earther farm.
After watching DonDoli's playthrough of this level I've made some changes that should improve the level overall. Download links have been updated. Please download the newest version for the best experience. :)

Spoiler: Changelog (click to show/hide)
I just replayed Shamira while waiting with great impatience for the 3rd part.. (maybe it will be a nice gift for Christmas ?)
There is so much poetry and beauty in this level... and sweetness too. I'm going to create a new category "feel-good levels" in my best of lol
Attention to small details too... I noticed the lighthouse painting hanging in the library ;-)
congratulations again :-D
Thanks, everyone! Glad you enjoyed our level. If you liked the transitions, here is the tool I created to make them. It is not at all polished, sorry! You can upload a custom image instead of the circle—SVGs will work best. Also, if anyone knows how to reduce the flickering I'd love to know.

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Makes me wonder though if this concept could me modified a bit for a future level. Perhaps after each section, you select from a full list of powerups and that selection sets you on a different challenge the next day. Just a thought, of course.

I think there's a lot of room to explore this sort of progression in the future. We didn't really get to do that aspect of the design justice, in my opinion.
A beautiful one. Enjoyed it from the start to end and I totally will replay it again to get to all the endings. Music is great, giving it a memorable atmosphere.
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