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28 screens. And I figured out how to make weird grass that does something to your head.
It seems that I have started building another small in-between-level (in between working on my two bigger levels, that is). It's progressing pretty quickly and I don't think it's going to be very large, so this will probably be done in a few weeks, after which normal work on Falling Water should resume. Sorry about the interruption. In my defence: I got possessed by Nurykabe.

This project was born entirely from me playing around for a few hours (as you do) with default tileset 42, "Passage" by Nurykabe. For The Night Building I've been exploring a variety of things to do with gradients, and the use of light and shadow in general, so the gradient tiles in tileset 42 caught my eye. I started getting excited when I realised that you could piece all of them together into one multicoloured, rather cosmic-looking gradient. The true seed for the new level was planted, however, when I discovered that another thing I could build was something that looked like endless, mystical dark green velvet curtains. That, plus the fact that pretty much the only clearly recognisable item in the entire tileset is the moon. I put the moon and the curtains together, and I knew I had a level.

The title comes from this much meme-ifieid strange David Lynch moment, because the curtains put my mind on Lynch, and the moon in the tileset (and my decision that it was going to be the level's main theme) put me in mind of that quote. It's not a particularly Lynch-themed level otherwise, although the tall coniferous trees I've built for it might elicit a certain FBI agent's admiration. But they're really just an artifact of the circumstance that the tileset doesn't have any plants, but does have green triangles.

The entire level is going to be built from tileset 42, because I like a challenge and it's also incredibly versatile. Yes, really. So far I've wrung something like four to five different area concepts out of it, and I'm not done yet.

Because I don't like/am not good at designing a challenge, it might end up an environmental. Though at the moment it has some challenge elements, and if I can make that work then it might end up an (easy!) challenge level instead. We'll see.

Prospected size is 40-50 screens (very rough guess), of which 24 are currently built, mostly in the last four days. Wheeeeee!!!
Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [Challenge] [Large] [Hard] [KS+] Kismet
« Last post by Lucinda on February 02, 2025, 08:02:00 »
Thank you so much!  <3
Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [KS+][Environmental][Easy][Small] Jouteien
« Last post by Hmpf on February 01, 2025, 22:22:28 »
Just played this! It is, indeed, gorgeous (as everybody has already observed). What I'd like to praise especially here, though, is also how varied it is for such a small level, while still maintaining a sense of cohesion. The main tileset is used to create so many quite different types of screens - inside spaces and outside spaces, underground and overground, corridors and small chambers (and no two small chambers look the same!) etc. Definitely one to replay again and again.
Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [Medium][Maze][Hard] Liquid soap
« Last post by Hmpf on February 01, 2025, 19:11:38 »
I just discovered today that I hadn't finished playing this, back when I started it sometime in... 2023, I guess? Well, I've done so now and I gotta say it's fantastic. From the visuals, which are so great that you could print most screens out and frame them and put them on your wall, to the music, which included some really interesting choices that complemented the abstract look well, to the overall level design, I'm loving this.
Knytt Stories Level Releases / Re: [Challenge] [Large] [Hard] [KS+] Kismet
« Last post by Hmpf on February 01, 2025, 18:57:30 »
This was phenomenal. So many great areas, great variety, and so many screens I absolutely love. You have such a great sense of composing screens with, especially, several large coloured areas. You should do that abstract level you mentioned in chat, sometime! I bet it would be great. Difficulty was again a bit on the "too hard" side for me, but at this point I pretty much expect to be stuck on a few screens or sequences of screens for a few days in a Lucinda level. :D (At least it's not weeks or months like in Saving Thalanill, haha.)
Knytt Stories - Custom Content / Re: Juicy Tileset Starter Pack
« Last post by Hmpf on January 30, 2025, 12:37:40 »
This looks great. I especially like the very useful compilation of several smaller/incomplete sets into one "omnibus" tileset there. Nice!
Knytt Stories - Custom Content / Juicy Tileset Starter Pack
« Last post by Lucinda on January 30, 2025, 07:28:08 »
Making a new level? Drag this entire pack in and you will have a ton of nice tilesets to choose from, all neatly organized. A few half-empty tilesets were combined to make this pack, too. Assembled and edited by myself, Robin, and Lit Knob. I attached a few to give a cute preview
Awesome, Fubaka. I might try them out on stream soon, along with The Column for sure
@Fubaka: Thanks! That's a long way off yet, though, I'm afraid...

Time for an update: I'm going to finish Falling Water before properly embarking on constructing this one here, so no actual level building has begun yet. I'm still doing preliminaries:

1.) Playing with the sheer endless possible variations of a couple dozen central visual concepts, especially backgrounds covered in what I'm calling "architextures", graphical textures that evoke architecture, to varying degrees  (some examples for some iterations of them can be seen in the five screenshots in the first post of this thread, but there is just so, so much one can do with each of these basic ideas... it's hard to know when to stop!)

2.) Kinda sorta thinking about level design, so as not to end up, again,  with the kind of mess that Falling Water was/is. This part of the process is extremely difficult for me, though. (To make up for that, developing visual concepts that excite me is almost too easy. I'm losing a lot of sleep because I get too excited about the graphical possibilities of certain tilesets, instead of going to bed...)

I continue to be incredibly excited about this project. It's probably not an exaggeration to say that I've been putting so much energy into FW lately because I really, really want to get around to The Night Building.
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