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BLAME! manga is one of cult classic, with breathtaking drawings of wast structures inside Dyson Sphere and Killy as main character. It got name from comic sound effect of Killy's gun shooting bullet.

TSSHHH! name of my level comes from character double jump sound.

Yovana is main character, she replaces Killy from original manga. She is brave and only one to go into mission to reprogram AI. But there's catch, this is Part one. Unlike Juni in TVA level trilogy, with sequels are based on old level. Like expansion pack. TSSHHH! is a franchise on it's own. New games are literal sequels with beginning being at end of previous level. So one day i will release Master Edition, with beginning at Part One and end to be at Part X.

TSSHHH! Part One contain stuff from whole first chapter.

Level download link▼
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Talps on Yesterday at 15:58:04 »
Granted, wish energy can be used to generate electricity, making it a fantastic source of cheap, renewable energy. However, the world's oil companies deliberately supress the development of wish-energy based power technology in order to protect their vast fortunes, meaning that black hole is still building... (The energy can be used, but it isn't being used.)

I wish the world's oil tycoons would be less greedy and short-sighted.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Polana on October 18, 2024, 22:45:29 »
Granted. We all become bunch of nihilists who don't care about anything and especially not about the black hole engulfing Earth because of wish energy.

I wish that the wish energy build up can be used  by mankind somehow so it won't go critical and form black hole.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Purple Ink on October 18, 2024, 21:37:48 »
Granted. We all stop but because no one makes wishes the wish energy builds up and goes critical, resulting in a black hole that engulfs Earth.

I wish we could make wishes without worrying about wish energy.
Knytt Stories Level Editing Support / Info Screen and Cutscene Templates
« Last post by Lit Knob on October 13, 2024, 03:44:30 »
These are templates for the info screens (Info+ and Info), and cutscenes.
They're made of their buttons, and the "Highlighted Buttons" folders contain variants that look like the mouse is over all buttons at once.

Now that one poor soul in the credits won't be hidden by a button anymore. :P

If you really care about everything in Info+ being visible all the time (no exceptions), the Advanced folder contains templates that have even the Confirm buttons that appear when you click Erase.
V2: Replaced music extractions with the soundtrack from Niffpage
God that was hard! I had a ton of fun with it, though, and going back down and up again with a new power every 50 floors was a great way to become intimately familiar with the tower's layout while still finding new ways to get through some screens. I still think the first 50 were my greatest hurdle, since I hadn't played anything but the official Nifflas levels.....

Small negatives: I did play the V3 and did not find the hologram where it was supposed to be according to a couple of videos I watched. Which meant I couldn't get to the left part of the top of the tower. The drawbridge didn't lower itself either, which was a bit of a disappointment since both seemed to lead to fun stuff :(
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Talps on October 09, 2024, 16:18:04 »
Granted, two seats in front of you there is a screaming baby.


Granted. However, all of our wishes start coming true. As you deploy your incredible, subtle and inventive corruptions, you're inevitably bringing misfortune and misery upon the lives of your friends.

I wish Polana's incredible corruptions were less subtle so that the rest of us would notice that they're coming true and stop making wishes.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Polana on October 09, 2024, 14:55:21 »
Granted. Enjoy all the side effects of insomnia because now you can't sleep even if you want to.

I wish I were able to come up with better wish corruptions.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Purple Ink on October 09, 2024, 04:35:37 »
Granted! You have a really nice time when you go to the spa but when you're at the spa it kind of sucks.

I wish to stop sleeping so much.
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