It seems that I have started building another small in-between-level (in between working on my two bigger levels, that is). It's progressing pretty quickly and I don't think it's going to be very large, so this will probably be done in a few weeks, after which normal work on Falling Water should resume. Sorry about the interruption. In my defence: I got possessed by Nurykabe.
This project was born entirely from me playing around for a few hours (as you do) with default tileset 42, "Passage" by Nurykabe. For The Night Building I've been exploring a variety of things to do with gradients, and the use of light and shadow in general, so the gradient tiles in tileset 42 caught my eye. I started getting excited when I realised that you could piece all of them together into one multicoloured, rather cosmic-looking gradient. The true seed for the new level was planted, however, when I discovered that another thing I could build was something that looked like endless, mystical dark green velvet curtains. That, plus the fact that pretty much the only clearly recognisable item in the entire tileset is the moon. I put the moon and the curtains together, and I knew I had a level.
The title comes from
this much meme-ifieid strange David Lynch moment, because the curtains put my mind on Lynch, and the moon in the tileset (and my decision that it was going to be the level's main theme) put me in mind of that quote. It's not a particularly Lynch-themed level otherwise, although the tall coniferous trees I've built for it might elicit a certain FBI agent's admiration. But they're really just an artifact of the circumstance that the tileset doesn't have any plants, but does have green triangles.
The entire level is going to be built from tileset 42, because I like a challenge and it's also incredibly versatile. Yes, really. So far I've wrung something like four to five different area concepts out of it, and I'm not done yet.
Because I don't like/am not good at
designing a challenge, it might end up an environmental. Though at the moment it has some challenge elements, and if I can make that work then it might end up an (easy!) challenge level instead. We'll see.
Prospected size is 40-50 screens (very rough guess), of which 24 are currently built, mostly in the last four days. Wheeeeee!!!