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Tileset archive is now online at
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Talps on May 17, 2024, 01:08:55 »
Granted. It is Friday. As long as it stays Friday, you'll be fine.

I wish for the atmosphere to be chlorine so that I can survive with my extra life.
Knytt Stories / Re: [430+ level reviews] - Grading levels by Authors T-Z
« Last post by pacifishi on May 16, 2024, 23:05:30 »
Thanks for the recommendations, everyone!

Please tell me why "The World" by Toudou got a C+? Have you seen DonDoli's playthrough? He is suffering.

I just played that a few days ago. There were multiple points that had me questioning "Was this an intentional choice or not great level design?" which is unfortunately common with these really old levels. Multiple near perfect jumps over deadly cactii near the beginning, a vase that teleports you to a void screen, fake ground that drops you into a spike pit, random unclimbable walls over water, etc.

I'm assuming that it was going for a IWBTG vibe and maybe I'm a masochist? I normally enjoy the extra challenge but I think I was out-trolled by the end. Will need to revisit when I'm in a zen state (or learn to understand French).
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Purple Ink on May 16, 2024, 20:28:53 »
Granted! The pop-up French restaurant is open on Saturday! You could go but you don't because greenhouse gases reflecting off of Venus makes it look like the apocalypse so you stay indoors for the rest of your life.

I wish I could tell what day of the week it is.
Knytt Stories / Re: [430+ level reviews] - Grading levels by Authors T-Z
« Last post by Talps on May 16, 2024, 20:08:13 »
Been waiting for this! Glad you like my poem. <3
Knytt Stories / Re: [430+ level reviews] - Grading levels by Authors T-Z
« Last post by kilicool64 on May 16, 2024, 20:05:23 »
Someone else will have to link the Next Gen Knytt DLC

Also, they played some of Azure Serenity: Tranquil Dreams. IIRC, they did some of the pre-Salty Seas stuff. And also most of The Salty Seas. The level has large amounts of content beyond that, though.
Knytt Stories / Re: [430+ level reviews] - Grading levels by Authors T-Z
« Last post by Lucinda on May 16, 2024, 19:13:36 »
I LOVE THIS. Please tell me why "The World" by Toudou got a C+? Have you seen DonDoli's playthrough? He is suffering. Also, so happy to see Above the Clouds get an A, I love love love that level.

Here's some non-archive levels you could play (and may have already played)

Deep Freeze


Azure Serenity

Azure Serenity massive expansion (most current version is called "The Salty Seas")

Cosmic Meltdown

Island of Mimir

Through the Swamp

Harlow (and the Tarandus Queen)

Forgotten Realms

Someone else will have to link the Next Gen Knytt DLC
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Lucinda on May 16, 2024, 19:03:26 »
Granted! There is a meteor shower and the earth is surrounded by a dust cloud and we go extinct.

I wish the pop-up French restaurant was open on Saturdays so I could have my birthday there.
Knytt Stories / Re: [430+ level reviews] - Grading levels by Authors T-Z
« Last post by kilicool64 on May 16, 2024, 18:56:05 »
Azure Serenity: Tranquil Dreams isn't hosted on the archive due to exceeding the file size limit. Though you did play some of it.

Also, you apparently skipped Forgotten Realms by Vegetal Gibber. Also not in the archive.

Worth noting that Next Gen Knytt has a DLC pack that's not in the archive, so you may have missed that as well.
Knytt Stories / Re: [430+ level reviews] - Grading levels by Authors T-Z
« Last post by pacifishi on May 16, 2024, 17:57:26 »
I'm seeking recommendations / links to websites that host levels not on the archive.

I have:
- Lucinda's Under the Umbrella (name change or new link?)
- plus going through the forum to find level releases that weren't uploaded

What else am I missing?

Looking forward:

Originally, I planned to make a separate post for these non-archive levels, but I think it's most fitting for this series to focus on levels on the archive - so these ratings will probably just be included as part of the final post.

Part IV - the Final Wrap-up will feature the 'master ratings spreadsheet', including all of the levels released in the time since, a stat pack, more in-depth reviews of my favorite levels, and more.

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