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Not sure how that went undiscovered for so long. It is now fixed. Download links have been updated.
I'm really enjoying this level, but I've run into a bug.
Exiting left from x997y1099 sends me x996y1099, it's an endless loop that wont let me leave the village and go to the temple grounds.
Exiting right from x997y1099 sends me to x998y1099 from which I fall into x998y1097.
I have all the powerups except the purple key and the hologram.

ETA: I bypassed the village loop by taking another route to the temple grounds. The problem in the village is still there when you possess the hologram.
Knytt Stories Level Previews / Re: [Challenge][Normal][KS] Whitebow Island
« Last post by Lucinda on Yesterday at 23:06:13 »
So glad everything went according to plan with your new baby. Love the new area, keep it up! And good luck with the dadding
Knytt Stories Level Previews / Re: [Challenge][Normal][KS] Whitebow Island
« Last post by bulbapuck on June 01, 2024, 23:37:31 »
3/11 remaining areas done  8)

I had a baby boy on the 27th of April. He's doing well  :)

Slowly adjusting to life with two kids, a lot going on at work too.. But I find that I still have a little time left over to work on this. I know the area I'll start tomorrow and I'm excited about it.

Will update when that area is complete.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Lucinda on June 01, 2024, 07:31:33 »
Granted! Delicious cheese is in your fridge and you go to the store to get prosciutto and crackers to eat with it. In that time, the power goes out and over the next few powerless days the cheese becomes rotten. You eat it anyway and get food poisoning.

I wish I could get one of those Thai massages where they stretch your limbs for you.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Polana on May 29, 2024, 23:23:49 »
Granted. It also means that if you damage your nails somehow it takes forever to heal.

I wish there was some good cheese in my fridge.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Lucinda on May 29, 2024, 09:56:22 »
Granted! Someone quickly does your laundry for you. They are now your live-in laundry doer and you have almost no privacy.

I wish my nails grew way more slowly so I wouldn't have to cut them so often.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Purple Ink on May 29, 2024, 03:05:55 »
Granted! The moment your car has this ability it phases into the earth, lost forever.

I wish I hadn't put off doing laundry.
Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« Last post by Talps on May 29, 2024, 00:28:47 »
Granted, all meals now come in cans. It is literally impossible to buy a food product that isn't canned anywhere in the world.

I wish my car (and anything inside it) could phase through other objects.
Oh I just realised I never commented here. I didn't really read the conversation on the Discord sever so I went into this fairly blind.  It definitely goes without saying that this is one of the best KS levels; not surprising considering the names of those who worked on it. Great job to everyone!
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