I'd like to start a game, if you will, revolving around the creation of tilesets, so we may have more lovely tilesets to use in our levels.
The premise of this game is simple. A tileset is introduced with the first eight squares filled. from there, each person who plays needs to fill in another eight squares of the tileset (no more, no less) based on the previously filled spaces, until the tileset is completed. Upon completion, the last player gives it a name, and another tileset collage may begin.
Every tileset made in this thread will be
made for public use. No person may hold claim to any part of them or demand credit if they are used in a level.
Here are le rules:
No more rules, just start a project and I will put it up on this post, someone else can then add to it and post it below.
In the Spoiler box below are the completed tilesets, as well as any additional graphics, COs or alternate versions. Check here for previous projects.Main Tileset:

Green Platform Version:

Green Jelly CO:


Main Tileset:


Attached are the the latest versions of the current projects. Once the latest versions are on this post, please remove them from your post.
Let's have some fun with this!
[mod]Made sticky, so the first post is visible on all pages which really helps with this project.[/mod]