@ lilmanjs16: Yes, long long ago I tried to gather musicians to work with me on this. I think you even posted a link to some songs you had made, but not being a fan of drone I was probably too critical and never heard from you again, sorry. Razor Man made an incomplete track, but otherwise the whole endeavor was pretty discouraging which is probably the main reason I set this level aside. I had thought at the time that for the game and the music to work like they were made for each other, they would have to be made together. Since that time, I successfully collaborated with Ultigonio for The Dying Core which has taught me that if I make the level first the musician will have more direction.
Long story short, I'm making the level first. Then, I'm setting it to music. I plan to seek out artists who have made music close to what I'm looking for and ask them compose for The Tree of Knowledge.