Stone Tiers has been updated with my updated Smooth Stone tileset you can find here: the new version is here: an updated screenshot (for comparison to the old tileset) is below.
I think I got the wall swims fixed, and I changed an enemy (The purple spike guy just didn't seem to fit the level).
Ok, here is my 2nd ever level, and my 1st ever tile set.
It is a weird tile set, I realize, as it does that thing where Juni is walking on air, but it was an idea I had and I had to do it. Anyway, I think it is beautiful and interesting.
The poem thing is a bit weird, let me know if it is too emo, or cheesy and I'll not change it, but simply say, yeah, your probably right.
It is a whooping 5mb because I include music (with permission) from a friends band at: here is the download link: enjoy with jealous profundity. ... and I'll try to post a screenshot.