[challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time

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Offline egomassive

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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2010, 11:21:30 »
I've updated the level to 1.3 and released a walkthrough.

This version fixes an SGE I found in the forest. And I've added more save points. Use the link in the top post.

I've decided to release a LoCP version. It'll be extra easy. Look for that in the coming weeks if you're having difficulty. I'm releasing it as a separate level because of the size of the map and the world.ini (these things do affect performance on slower computers.) Both are rather large. Also, I don't want to invest the time it would take to copy everything to new locations on the map, and to rewrite every single .ini address.

Note: Wherever I've said to message me about spoiler questions in previous posts I've edited to say, "see the walkthrough." If it does not help you then feel free the message me.

Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2010, 12:26:57 »
Great explanation of the game, man. Now then, if you'd make a .txt version of this walkthrough, we could all download it and use it freely. :)


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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2010, 13:57:59 »
I've updated the level to 1.3 and released a walkthrough.

This version fixes an SGE I found in the forest. And I've added more save points. Use the link in the top post.

Ooh, more save points! And a walkthrough! And a narrative-style walkthrough, no less! I looked at the beginning part, for sections I've already worked out on my own (and stopped reading early enough to avoid spoiling myself) and it looks like it should be reasonably easy for players to find the clues they need without being in too much danger of ruining the challenge of figuring out the next bit themselves. I really really like the 'story' style of walkthrough you chose to do, as opposed to just a bare list of hints or explanations.

I've decided to release a LoCP version. It'll be extra easy. Look for that in the coming weeks if you're having difficulty. I'm releasing it as a separate level because of the size of the map and the world.ini (these things do affect performance on slower computers.) Both are rather large. Also, I don't want to invest the time it would take to copy everything to new locations on the map, and to rewrite every single .ini address.

I'm still going to at least try to beat the new-and-improved-with-more-savepoints 'Normal' difficulty version, but the idea that you're doing an 'Easy' version... wow. Doing it as a whole separate level (in terms of .knytt.bin file, world.ini & subfolders) seems like the logical solution, yes, especially as huge as the level already is, and as many shifts as you've no doubt had to use what with the time-travelling plus the inside vs outside pipes screens. I'm sure doing this is going to take a massive amount of work, but let me be the first to say, on behalf of the League of Crap Players, thank you so much for doing it. Probably when I want to replay the level -- as I'm sure I will -- after beating the Normal-difficulty original version (assuming I can manage to, that is) I'll go with the Easy/LoCP version since it'll be the story I'm interested in playing through more than the challenges. I can tell already, despite not having gotten that far into the game at all, that the story you're telling really is a story, in the best tradition of the interactive fiction genre of games.

::downloads excitedly::

PS thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

Actually, it's eggplant.


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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #33 on: February 24, 2010, 23:03:14 »
I have recently discovered Knytt Stories, thanks to the wonderful DS port and I have to say this level is AWESOME. It has the perfect difficulty and it's incredibly rewarding. I love videogames and have played a looooot since i was a child (i'm 31 now) and to be sincere I have to say that Knytt Stories and this level as a whole make one of my favourite games in years. So thanks Nifflas for making KS, thanks rrc2soft for your perfect work in your port and thank you egomassive for a level that just make me love videogames even more. You all have demonstrated to be reaaaallyyyy talented.


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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #34 on: February 25, 2010, 00:53:21 »
I've decided to release a LoCP version. It'll be extra easy.

If we ever decide to give out medals, you'll be the first recipient, I think. :-)


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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #35 on: February 25, 2010, 00:56:51 »
Uh just finished the level, and it's a lot easier than everyone is making it out to be, but that's just me. AMAZING level, and i look forward to the LoCP version, I'll see how long it takes me to beat it compared to the "regular" version!
Many a hand has scaled the grand old face of the plateau,
Some belong to strangers and some to folks you know,
Holy ghosts and talk show hosts are planted in the sand,
To beautify the foothills and shake the many hands.
-The Meat Puppets

Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2010, 03:45:44 »
Just finished it.

I didn't find it hard, but a pretty reasonable challenge. I love the flags and stuff you used, which made the game feel much more responsive to Juni's actions, as well as how you used the eight symbols and added on a new thing to them (with the purple tiles).

There definitely were periods where I was lost, but I always managed to figure it out. I think the hints the game gives are really nice, not too strong or weak. The way the world was round and the pipes connected the whole place was quite cool too...

I'd say this is the best KS level I've ever played by a good margin, out of 200 or so I've played.

I don't really get, though

Spoiler: (click to show/hide)


Offline egomassive

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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #37 on: February 25, 2010, 04:21:04 »
Great explanation of the game, man. Now then, if you'd make a .txt version of this walkthrough, we could all download it and use it freely. :)
Done, download the .txt file at the top of the walkthrough. But, why couldn't you just copy and past?

Just finished it...
I don't really get, though...


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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #38 on: February 25, 2010, 05:01:17 »
Woooooooooooooooooooooo I finished it!

There were still a couple of places where the lack of a savepoint within what felt to me like a reasonable number of screens made me gnash my teeth at having to run thru those same screens (between savepoint and deathpoint) again and again, but for normal difficulty, I'm presuming -- especially taking into account others' comments -- that in general you've struck the right balance between 'savepoint here because otherwise it's sadistic' and 'savepoint here would make this area less challenging than it should be.'

I even managed to get all three endings, an eventual grade of A (not A+ yet but much better than my initial D grade with the first ending), 6/10 delicious Easter eggs, and 16 out of the 24 'secrets and missables' you listed on the walkthru. I may or may not try to find the rest of the toast before the Easy version comes out.

There are so many things I loved about this level. I honestly think it's good enough, in enough ways that are unique to it, that it's going to change KS and the way people design for and play it, from here on out. First and foremost -- even beyond the awesome things you did with the background graphics and the cutscenes including the ending-continue options -- is the way 'A Knytt in Time' really is a Knytt story.

Many levels have a storyline; and many levels suggest or evoke a story as one plays them; and some levels tell small, discrete stories within their overarching storyline (think of Gaia's Library). A few excellent levels have all those story-related features. But AKiT is the only level I've seen that is telling a story which the player-character is part of. (No, even Nifflas's levels don't quite manage this. Though 'A Strange Dream' comes close.) The storytelling aspect of the game is actually right in line with the best of Interactive Fiction -- the all-grown-up name for those olllld-school text-adventure games like 'Zork' and 'Adventure' -- and may, if we're lucky, draw some talent from the still-thriving I.F. community, which would be a win-win situation for everyone, really. I sincerely hope we're going to look back at the release of 'A Knytt in Time' as a watershed event in the development of KS levels.

Your beautiful (and amusing -- please don't take all my praise of other aspects of the level as giving the humour scattered so liberally thru the level short shrift) cutscenes contributed so much to the story aspect of this level. Someone said just recently, elsewhere in the forums, that cutscenes are overrated; I can't imagine that whoever said that has played 'A Knytt in Time' yet. In fact, I took a screenshot of one of the early cutscenes back when I first started trying to play the level, for the express purpose of pointing to its awesomeness here on the forums. (I then got so distracted by skill-fail-death frustration and being 'stuck' that I forgot about it entirely, but that's another Story.) It's attached at the end of this comment, as it really is Teh Best Screenshot EVAR.

I also threw in a screenshot that's one of many, many screens in the level, chosen at random from among my favourites, which I found strikingly beautiful, aesthetically speaking. I often paused when passing thru screens like that just to admire them. So often you could have just put in the necessary tiles and that would have been sufficient, but you optimised many, many screens for aesthetics. (N.B. I would love to see you do an environmental. The LoCP version of AKiT will nearly be one, but I mean as your second -- or third or fourth, I'm not greedy -- level.)

Just to be clear, I am still very very much looking forward to the LoCP version! Maybe we'll make you an honourary member...  ;)

edited because --hunh. The Save button doesn't even look anything like the Choose File button. Well, this is why posting when one is on the verge of falling asleep is a bad idea. Second screenshot attached now, and also I mentioned everything I meant to... for now.

edited again to hide the screenshot Egomassive felt was too spoilery for the first 10 minutes of the game -- oops! Now spoiler-tagged.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 14:58:33 by the Jack »

Actually, it's eggplant.


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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #39 on: February 28, 2010, 02:19:46 »
Just started playing this again (I'd paused because of a strange mixture of ragequitting and overdosing on the epic AWESOME that is this level; plus, I got sidetracked by a rabid level idea of my own that wanted to be turned into an environmental *immediately*), and wow, it truly is so epic, and awesome, that I can only take it in small doses because otherwise my brain would just explode with *glee*!

Sadly, taking it in small doses means getting lost and confused when I start up again. But, on the other hand, getting lost means spending more time with this awesome level, so all is good. *g*


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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #40 on: February 28, 2010, 02:35:51 »
Wow, I really enjoyed this amazing level. I was incredibly well made and definitely a well planned level. I have to say, I'm not a very good player, and I certainly didn't understand the ending.
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
Overall I really enjoyed this level. It had amazing shift and flag usage and I think it deserves a Nifflas metal, if such a metal exists.


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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #41 on: March 04, 2010, 01:39:43 »
Version 1.4 is out. I found several minor aesthetic errors, while making the LoCP edition.

LoCP edition is nearly done. I'm thinking it took far too little time to remake it into an easy title, so I'm going to sit on it for a while. I want to play it a few more times with space between plays. I pretend to be a crappy player. It's hard to do. If I get in a tight situation I start using my reflexes. I'm sure it's much tougher for the league to pretend to be good players though.

Also, the walkthrough has been updated. I've added more to the Secrets and Missables section. I'm up to 30. I've also added a section that explains the Machine's purpose and the Endings a little better. It shouldn't be read before playing.

I want to thank everyone for their feed back so far. It's nice to hear that my efforts have been worthwhile. In response to some posts:

@Jack: I appreciate your enthusiasm, but in the screen shots you posted you're revealing the big pay off for... (see spoiler.) You're stealing my punchlines. It's not too big of a deal, being on page 3 of the thread and all, but you could have put it in a spoiler.
Spoiler: the big pay off for (click to show/hide)

@LB: Don't worry about the rank system. If you completed it then you're a winner. :) The ranks are just there to encourage you to get the better endings, because I thought it was neat, and to give hints. As for as finding the 11 things mentioned during the ranking process, they only give you a better rank and the satisfaction of finding them. So, don't worry about that unless you're into searching every corner of a game for full completion.


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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #42 on: March 13, 2010, 22:14:11 »
... WTF?

Okay, something completely bizarre just happened.
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)


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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #43 on: March 14, 2010, 02:44:43 »
... WTF?

Okay, something completely bizarre just happened.
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: (click to show/hide)


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Re: [challenge/normal/long] A Knytt in Time
« Reply #44 on: March 14, 2010, 07:37:14 »
Okay, something completely bizarre just happened.
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Or, to address your spoiler question with a hint instead of a walkthrough,
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't already make the connection, the way you like to explore -- oh, but you've been so busy with RL stuff, you're playing KS in short bursts instead of long sessions, right? Because that would explain it.

And that's all I'm saying.  ;)

Actually, it's eggplant.