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Messages - Purple Ink

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Not sure how that went undiscovered for so long. It is now fixed. Download links have been updated.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: May 29, 2024, 03:05:55 »
Granted! The moment your car has this ability it phases into the earth, lost forever.

I wish I hadn't put off doing laundry.

Oh I just realised I never commented here. I didn't really read the conversation on the Discord sever so I went into this fairly blind.  It definitely goes without saying that this is one of the best KS levels; not surprising considering the names of those who worked on it. Great job to everyone!

Alright, thanks for the bug reports. I'm pretty sure I've fixed them all as well as making a few small adjustments. Please redownload the level for the best experience. :)

I have a feeling I just broke the level. I chose to use the feature you unlock with the purple key, but fell into the void early on, which seems to have sent me back to the actual beginning of the game, progression-wise. This video shows it all happening:

Edit: Upon watching the video footage, I think I figured out what went wrong. You probably assumed it was impossible to go to the left from here without the climb powerup, didn't you? Well, it isn't. That's where it I fell into the void.

Yeah I thought it was impossible. I tried for a long time but couldn't do it so I assumed.

Edit 2: After restoring a backup save and making sure not to fall into the void again, I managed to complete what appears to be the entire level, safe for two leaves. This new mode has a blank sign. And this other screen suddenly started having a mechanical ambiance track that I assume is a bug. It seems to have only started playing on my return trip from the Firebog Temple.

Yeah there's something weird going on with ambience and music tracks. When I edit a screen the ambience or music will sometimes change without me actually adjusting it myself.
Thanks for the info! :)

Minor update on the "x985y1168 signs are blank" bug.

To the left of that screen is a void (I returned with the green orb).
Out of interest I tried entering from the other direction (via the Magma Tunnels) and I end up in same screen but at x985y1163, which appears to put me back in Firebog 'easy mode'

Thanks I spotted this and fixed it already. :)

Thanks, kilicool, you're being very helpful! :)

I've fixed those issues, made some minor adjustments to a few places, and made the text about sleeping a little more clear. Going to wait just a little bit longer before updating links. Don't want people to have to continuously downloading updated versions.

Ah thanks. This was pointed out in beta and I thought I fixed it but I changed the Y instead of the X. I'll wait to see if any more errors can found before updating the download links.

Yeah that's it. A flag gets switched on when you see the zapper. If you die after seeing it but before saving you'll have to revisit the zapper.

Edited first post for this: "You can jump down through some platforms. Try it if something seems suspicious!"

Nice to finally see this released. I was looking for something to keep me occupied for a while. And while I have mixed feelings about Advena and Reditus, they certainly succeeded at that.

Are you withholding this level from the archive in anticipation of bugfix updates or is it because of the 50MB limit? Because that's actually a lie. The true limit is 100MB.

I've never uploaded my levels to the archive. Someone asked to upload my first level and Advena was uploaded by I don't know who.


Join Juni on a new adventure as she must leave her village and travel the world to collect hidden treasures, ancient artefacts, and more, before ultimately saving the Tree. Her journey will take her to ancient temples around the world where she must overcome trials to retrieve sacred items needed for her quest.

Scattered around the world are lost leaves. They are simply a collectible and nothing more. Some are hard to find, some are easy, some are hidden.

Also scattered around the world are lore scrolls. Interact with them to read some information about the places you visit.

This level requires egomassive's KS+ mod. Download here.

Download the level:
Through Google drive
Through Catbox

IMPORTANT: You can jump down through some platforms. Try it if something seems suspicious!

IMRORTANT: If you downloaded the level before 2 June you'll need to re-download for bug fixes.

Big thanks to Fubaka and Lucinda for all their help betatesting. Big thanks to kilicool64 for finding bugs we all missed. X)

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: May 16, 2024, 20:28:53 »
Granted! The pop-up French restaurant is open on Saturday! You could go but you don't because greenhouse gases reflecting off of Venus makes it look like the apocalypse so you stay indoors for the rest of your life.

I wish I could tell what day of the week it is.

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: May 16, 2024, 04:03:37 »
Granted. Your new life body can only breathe chlorine so you die again pretty quickly.

I wish it would stop raining already. :moody:

Forum Games / Re: Corrupt-a-Wish
« on: May 15, 2024, 02:59:24 »
Granted. It is now possible to listen to Enya with the AC on.

I wish I knew what to do in this situation I'm in.

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