Join Juni on a new adventure as she must leave her village and travel the world to collect hidden treasures, ancient artefacts, and more, before ultimately saving the Tree. Her journey will take her to ancient temples around the world where she must overcome trials to retrieve sacred items needed for her quest.
Scattered around the world are lost leaves. They are simply a collectible and nothing more. Some are hard to find, some are easy, some are hidden.
Also scattered around the world are lore scrolls. Interact with them to read some information about the places you visit.
This level requires egomassive's KS+ mod.
Download here.
Download the level:
Through Google driveThrough Catbox <- DDL
IMPORTANT: You can jump down through some platforms. Try it if something seems suspicious!
IMRORTANT: If you downloaded the level before 27 August 2024 you'll need to re-download for bug fixes and improvements.
Big thanks to Fubaka and Lucinda for all their help betatesting. Big thanks to kilicool64 for finding bugs we all missed.