[Challenge][Hard/Very Hard][Medium][KS+] Invisible Hero

  • 5 Replies
After about 2 years my urges for KS have returned once again. This new level is based on a story idea I've had stuck in my head for awhile, where you (the player) wake up without any past memories in a unknown location all by yourself. You then must travel through the mysterious world and piece together clues as to what happened and where everyone is. One of the reasons I almost always use my own tilesets in my levels it because I want to really immerse players into the story and the worlds it occurs in! So pay attention! There are lots of little visual hints throughout the world that reveal extra details in the story (also lots of lore can be found by "Pressing Down" on the computer monitors throughout the level)! I hope you guys enjoy it!

I had a week off work and nothing else to do so I threw this story together, it took me about 8 days of full time work (about 8-12 hours per day pretty much non-stop). That might not sound like much but it was a ton of planning and effort! Please let me know what you think about the end result!!!

As usual I made the level pretty tough, (but not Lunatic)!! I hope you all enjoy it! (And good luck finding all 5 GCs!)

(Easy version for those who are looking for a lesser challenge but still want the experience!)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2024, 16:39:11 by real_TigerNDV »
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Offline egomassive

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Re: [Challenge][Hard/Very Hard][Medium][KS+] Invisible Hero
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2024, 00:43:44 »
Sounds terrific! I will play it tonight.

Re: [Challenge][Hard/Very Hard][Medium][KS+] Invisible Hero
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2024, 21:16:08 »
Awesome, I'm looking forward to hearing about it!
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Offline pacifishi

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Re: [Challenge][Hard/Very Hard][Medium][KS+] Invisible Hero
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2024, 17:50:56 »

Edit: I switched and completed it on the easy (aka hard) version *spoilers below*

Fantastic!  The atmosphere is really top notch - I was expecting a barren wasteland and was pleasantly surprised at how alive everything feels. The challenges are comfortably in the 'very hard' category but are short enough to keep this from being considered lunatic.

The level goes from 'great' to 'cinematic' from the underwater lab to onwards. (The reveal of the true nature of the environment walking to the blue door was so cool).

Two small things I should mention:

    The sideway doors (that look like sewer grates to me) blend in to the environment, and I struggled finding the door to progress after getting the drone repair key

    I did the whole multi-screen walking sequence only to find that I needed the key and had to backtrack all of those screens. The reveal would have been even better if it was blocked before getting the underwater lab key.

P.S. you should consider making a thread for Sherpa as well
« Last Edit: July 27, 2024, 20:17:28 by pacifishi »

Re: [Challenge][Hard/Very Hard][Medium][KS+] Invisible Hero
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2024, 20:26:45 »
Thanks for playing and giving great feedback! I agree on the grates, in the future I will try to avoid this type of entrance, thankfully there aren't too many in the level so hopefully it's not a major issue.

On the blue key part, that was intended (building anticipation walking through the mysterious place only to find you need a key to see what lies beyond). But I can see the backtracking being a bit annoying for sure.

Overall thanks for giving this a go! Glad you enjoyed it.
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Offline pfrangip

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Re: [Challenge][Hard/Very Hard][Medium][KS+] Invisible Hero
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2024, 03:06:41 »
This is a fantastic, quality level! The custom tilesets are fantastic, the story is cohesive and engaging, and the challenges are difficult but fun and rewarding.

I will likely play this again, a few times.

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