Wow, you sure have a higher tolerance for framerate drops than I do. I could never play the game like this. In fact, just watching this run made me dizzy. This is why I gave up on trying to make videos of it after realizing how badly it performs on my PC with capture software running.
As for the run itself, TBH, I don't think it's very good. The route just seems way to straightforward. I'm pretty sure there are a lot more exploits you could've used to cut down on time.
For instance, why'd you ignore the room to the left of your starting point in the O area? Everything there could've been useful. Especially seeing how you can retrieve multiple copies of everything by killing yourself after teleporting it (as long as you haven't been in the save room yet).
The teleport bombs could've easily retrieved blocks in cursed screens or difficult to reach spots (like that key you spent way too much time firing at with a teleport gun, though I don't think you actually need it). They also could've allowed you to quickly return to the save room. The gems could've made expensive items easier to buy. A rainbow gem in particular would've given you instant access to the teleport gun. And finally, master keys would've removed the need to retrieve keys from the village altogether.
Also, you should've probably skipped the E area. There are no animals unique to it. IIRC, the only thing you got from there is a red alien, which you could've easily purchased in the village.
Oh, and if the gems in the O area still aren't enough, just buy a use gun and shoot the gems in the gem store.
On a side note, I'm a bit disappointed you didn't include my challenge on the site. Is it because nobody's figured out how to beat it? Or were my rules difficult to understand? I could explain the basic route if you want. Doesn't look like anyone will ever figure it out themselves at this rate.