[Challenge/Normal] Guatamente Mystery : Behind The Waterfall (BETA Released)

  • 22 Replies

Offline Hmpf

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I don't currently have time to play, though.


Offline yohji

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Played this the other day. It's a nice level, certainly good for a beta. There were a couple of wallswims, if I remember correctly. Also, like someone said, the transitions were very, uh... well, nonexistent  O_o But anyway, I hope you'll keep working on it and we'll see a larger and more polished version :)


Offline Comhon

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Very good desinged.



Thanks everyone for playing and reviewing  :^^:

Yohji : You're right, transitions are quasi non existent for now  :/
Is there someone who has tips to make better transitions  (every time I try to make some, it looks very weird) ?

I saw where's the wallswims, I removed them so they will not appear in the next beta  :)

About the level's progress : 80 % finished, I have the last area to create and also
some cutscenes to make.

New screenie  :P


Offline Hmpf

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Played this now; parts of it are quite nice, but it does suffer a bit from voids, wallswims and, well, non-existent transitions. The latter are the biggest problem, IMO, because they're not so easily fixed. In some cases you may have to insert an entire, new transition screen, IMO.

Some tips re: transitions:

1.) One method I'm using is to base my designs on two tilesets per screen/area, and do transitions by phasing out just one of those tilesets first (replacing it with a new one). Sometimes I do this little by little, over several screens.

2.) Sometimes a 'geological' approach works - imagine you're dealing with strata/other geological formations of different types of stone or something. Or imagine there's some layering in the (usually invisible, in KS) 3rd dimension - i.e. the 'old' tileset is situated slightly behind, or in front of, the 'new' one.

3.) If you're dealing with a built environment rather than a natural one, an abrupt transition can work, too. But, still, it's better to put that abrupt transition in a screen rather than having it happen between screens. That is nearly always jarring.



Wow thanks you very much for those tips Hmpf, this will be very useful for me  :D


Offline Hmpf

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Wow thanks you very much for those tips Hmpf, this will be very useful for me  :D

Glad to hear. :-) It's difficult to put these things into words - so much of it is basically intuition. I'd never really thought about it before...



Level's ready to play  :^^: I think  XD

Is there anyone who would like to be betatester ?  :)