I made a game this year for
Ectocomp (a yearly Halloween IF Competition) called You are a Blob! under the name SoftSoft. You can download the whole Comp
here. If you prefer to play the entry by itself, I also uploaded it on
Glorious Trainwrecks, where I put most of my game junk. It also has some backstory, which I'll copy and paste here:
You are a Blob actually wasn't my first [Ectocomp] game idea (a choice-based adaption of "Jacked Up Jack-o-Lantern" from the Regular Show Trilogy of Terror 3), but an eight-year-old was getting cold feet about entering, so I vowed to make a game so crappy it would make everyone else's game shine like gold! Which turned out to be no small feat, because everyone and their mother entered a game (or two) this year, for a grand total of 24 entries. But I think I gave it a good run.
At least one dude has called it "an ultra-cute Halloween-themed
The Gostak for kids", so if that description interests you, check it out!
(And please, by all means check out the rest of the Ectocomp if you like this piece. In particular, Adelynn Snyder, to whom You are a Blob! is dedicated, entered a charmingly old-fashioned CYOA called Trick or Treat, while Chemistry and Physics, by Colin Sandel and Carolyn VanEseltine, is actually a scary and tense piece of work. Some of the games may require an interpreter to play; a good one that everyone recommends is