There appears to be a bug with signs and jumping. I don't know how to explain it, but when a sign appears on screen and I jump out of the "activation area" it won't reappear when I return. Sometimes it suddenly appears again and disappears again.
This isn't all signs though. I've had trouble with the sign at the double jump power-up in the tutorial and the sign telling you to look at the upper screen for a list of power-ups gathered.
Also, the game runs pretty slow in the screen with the waterfall in the tutorial. As the water below the invisible bridge didn't slow down the game I presume it's the falling water tiles which slows the game down.
Additionally, some critters are running around a bit fast, I think.
Are the boolean values on the upper screen hideable?
Overall, this looks extremely good! I'm amazed how you've put it all together so well! Keep up the good work!
[...]Note that I have compiled it with a new version of the underlying libraries, and it seems that it may not work on some cards. Feedback?
This still works on the CycloDS Evolution.