
Do you think a bi-weekly delete of the Arcade Highscore Boards would make it more fun for you?

5 (21.7%)
Yes, but I'd rather have only a monthly refresh.
6 (26.1%)
No! I want to stay on top forever!
0 (0%)
I don't care either way, playing is enough for me, scores don't matter.
4 (17.4%)
something else (specify in post, plz. :P )
8 (34.8%)

Total Members Voted: 21

Voting closed: May 25, 2009, 13:15:03

Arcade Refresh

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Offline Razzorman

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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #15 on: May 19, 2009, 15:57:08 »
I don't think having a seperate highscore of all time next to clearing the scores every once in a while. If you want to improve your score, you can do that now. That doesn't really matter if there still is a highscore of all times somewhere.
Yes it does. If you cant beat the all time high score, you might have fun trying to become the champion of the week, while still keeping all your greatest achievements.
Whats the point of playing at all if you can't keep your best scores somewhere?
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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #16 on: May 19, 2009, 16:51:50 »
I agree.
But it maybe doesn't have to be public, maybe you can have a "your personal bests" page or something?
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Offline LPChip

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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2009, 12:29:54 »
If you once had a personal best, you might not trying to attempt getting a score in the arcade anymore. If you once had a good score because you had luck or whatever, and someone is now the best player, you cannot say: well, I won't do this, because I already once had the best score.

Its just not gonna work having 2 scoreboards. It will demotivate more than what we now have.
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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2009, 13:15:46 »
Could you explain that better? I didn't understand any of that.
Adapting the arcade to be more easily accessible for people who don't want to work for their high scores is definitely not the solution to anything at all.
And how does only having one score board make your scores less luck based?
If de-motivation is what you are worried about then clearing the scores is pretty much the worst thing you can do.
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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2009, 14:31:06 »
I agree with Razzor.
What LP said is not very logical.
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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2009, 14:36:32 »
If you keep track of what people now have as high score, resetting the score will not have much of value, because people are tempted to either not do their best, or if they just were lucky getting that hich score, and cannot do it again, they just will say: oh, but I don't mind. I already have a very high score, see other score table. Try beating that. Which basically is the same as not resetting the scores, with exception that in this case your score gets recorded.

But it gives way more trouble to create another score and maintaining it.

EDIT: I'll give an example:

On a game, I somehow managed to get a score of 482, while everyone else seems to have a score max of 479 because of some glitch I got a higher score. I now cannot get higher than 479 anymore, so I say: oh well... I still have the best score because I once got 482, see other score table.

Or another example: I once got a score of 539158315 and spent hours on getting that score. The scores are being reset, and the highest score now is 534246. I try but due to not being focussed enough, I just can't beat that score. I say: oh well, I once had this enormous score, so try and beat that!
« Last Edit: May 21, 2009, 14:38:56 by LPChip »
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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2009, 14:57:09 »
On a game, I somehow managed to get a score of 482, while everyone else seems to have a score max of 479 because of some glitch I got a higher score. I now cannot get higher than 479 anymore, so I say: oh well... I still have the best score because I once got 482, see other score table.
If you got the score because of a glitch in the game, the game should be removed. We already did that with avoider and ballo.
And yes, it is right that you got the highest score of all time, but that score might be completely unbeatable to some people, who might be happy getting the highest score that week.

If you keep track of what people now have as high score, resetting the score will not have much of value, because people are tempted to either not do their best, or if they just were lucky getting that hich score, and cannot do it again, they just will say: oh, but I don't mind. I already have a very high score, see other score table. Try beating that. Which basically is the same as not resetting the scores, with exception that in this case your score gets recorded.
Yep. If you have a very high score, you might not care that you weekly score is reset, but I'm not trying to make everyone care about the weekly scoreboard.
The point of having it is to make the arcade more lively by having what could be seen as a kind of weekly competition to see who can get the best score.
That way players wont always have to compete for the sometimes overwhelmingly high scores that are on a global scoreboard, but can instead have fun trying to beat the best score that week.
It might not be good enough for everyone, but it would definitely be enough for some, including me.
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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #22 on: May 21, 2009, 15:10:37 »
Now I don't play the arcade games much, but if I did, I'd probably be pretty peeved if I'd only just got an amazing score only to see it wiped the following day because I'd achieved it late in the week. The same would be true of monthly deletions, I suppose, but it's less likely to happen because after a month, a high score that's pretty much impossible to beat will most likely have already been achieved (by Lime Lemon).

Then again, not wiping the scores at all will make people lose interest (which I assume has begun to happen..?)

Therefore, I'd vote for a simple monthly deletion. I'm still unlikely to play them much, though.


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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #23 on: May 21, 2009, 15:20:50 »
I think the easiest solution would to just get rid of the arcade altogether. 9_9

I don't really care one way or the other about resets. If having resets would allow a greater number of users to enjoy the games, then there should be resets. If having resets is just seen as anti-competitive and motivation-killing, then there shouldn't be resets. But- either way, some people will be unhappy. If it's possible, the two-board system seems like a good idea to me. One board to allow major competition for the people who are really really intense on getting a high score, and a board for small-scale competition, for people who just want to have fun and maybe see how they compare against others. (A "personal best" thing, which is already there, also helps.)

Of course, if two boards is just too impractical, then I dunno.

Also, I find it ironic that a serious discussion about high scores is taking place on Nifflas's forum. None of Nifflas's major games are really competitive (except like WaDF and its speedrun thing, but that's not there anymore, and the focus on atmosphere in Nifflas's games doesn't reward a rushed game experience). Some of the lesser games are, but still. AtESE has a very real, noticeable score cap, which most people can probably obtain with enough practice. WaDF's minigames probably have theoretical score caps, but the games are so slight that WaDF itself just totally overshadows them. Pteranodon is more about the novelty of the music-gameplay relation than actual score. (At least, that's what I got from it.)
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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2009, 19:40:03 »
Ok, ok, two score boards is a bad idea.

But you shouldn't delete the scores completely. As I said, there should be something like a "personal" board, that only you can view, that shows your highest scores for all games in all time. Then you can't go brag about it, and would still want to get the highest score of the week/month, and maybe also improving your own personal best.
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Offline LPChip

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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2009, 20:26:51 »
Ok, ok, two score boards is a bad idea.

But you shouldn't delete the scores completely. As I said, there should be something like a "personal" board, that only you can view, that shows your highest scores for all games in all time. Then you can't go brag about it, and would still want to get the highest score of the week/month, and maybe also improving your own personal best.

Although there really is no point in this, the only thing I can say is this: If you really want to save your score, write them down to a textfile that you store on your pc, and each time you beat your own score, update your textfile. That way you can keep the fun to yourself and we can just on a week/2 week/monthly basis clear the scores.
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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2009, 01:25:57 »
I think whenever LimeLemon is playing no one will be able to say they are better than him at majority of the games.
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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2009, 01:47:23 »
Ok, ok, two score boards is a bad idea.

But you shouldn't delete the scores completely. As I said, there should be something like a "personal" board, that only you can view, that shows your highest scores for all games in all time. Then you can't go brag about it, and would still want to get the highest score of the week/month, and maybe also improving your own personal best.

Although there really is no point in this, the only thing I can say is this: If you really want to save your score, write them down to a textfile that you store on your pc, and each time you beat your own score, update your textfile. That way you can keep the fun to yourself and we can just on a week/2 week/monthly basis clear the scores.

Ok, just reset it then. This discussion is leading nowhere.
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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2009, 18:50:44 »
I think googoogjoob has the right idea with the two boards.
If you're going to try satisfying anyone (which is probably the only reason you'd do this thing), then try to satisfy everyone.


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Re: Arcade Refresh
« Reply #29 on: May 26, 2009, 12:39:27 »
Huh, I guess the voting week is over, without a really usable result.
Like said before, nobody here is able or can be bothered with making two seperate scoreboards, since we're using a sort of plugin and modifying just isn't a practicable option.
New good games, wohoo, like also mentioned before, are just not all that widespread over the net or findable or I currently can't get them to work.
Oh well.
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