the first time i played xh i got stuck in that area where you're underground and u surface near the water and you can climb up to that pedestal that has the birds on it... but the jump to the building is too far... and there seems to be no exit that way... all other exits are un reachable ( too high jump or blocked by purple blocks)
i played again and went a different way... i found that weird powerup that gives you a high/slow jump... and i managed to get past that part that i was previously stuck at... but i quit the game... and when i started up again i was in that same area as the first time but with NO powerup... so once again i'm stuck
anywho to get to the point... is there a way out of there without that power up? or did i put myself at a dead end? is there a hidden passage i missed? i try to climb every wall i can... no luck