Please do not expect any further updates regarding KSA. I have many other projects now, and have basically moved on to other things. If you have questions regarding KSA, please ask here, but do not expect me to answer. I will also not be releasing the source or other materials. Other KS mods may use concepts from KSA, but I would like any graphics that are not original KS or slightly modified KS graphics to not be used anywhere. (Example, the KSA logo which is 100% original). If Nifflas sees problems with this or would like the source, etc, I will comply. Note that I will not offer support for KSA anymore, if that concerns you, then I recommend using normal KS. To that end, tho, if you like KSA then please enjoy it. I may or may not release an already-half-way-done version of KSA, that is much better, but do not expect it. In the same such fashion, I may release the source at a later date. It's very much up in the air right now. I am very happy that people like this mod, and I'm sure everyone was waiting for a new version. I can't say you'll get one, I am very sorry. I would like to end this on the note that you will see more of my creations eventually, but like everything else, I don't know when. Farewell, and enjoy KSA as-is. \o_