Old Yeller is dead but some of its spirit was put into the cutuplevels.
This thread is now about anything that happens with canteven/ncrecc/0usernames and the Knytt Stories/Knytt Stories+ level editor.
I am doing great (pace of 1 conscious thought per day and strict routine of "receive stimuli, respond to stimuli, repeat") and will produce a new "level". You can choose to play or laugh at it.

I specifically went and picked decent-looking screens despite many more much duller screens existing.
The artefacts around the edge of the tiles and Juni is not something that will be present in the level but a result of resizing the screenshots by 50% in MS Paint (KS+ offers a 2x zoom mode). I decided to keep them instead of resizing more properly in paint.net (or using the select tool to resize). Previously "skilled, wacky - particularly liked" from the cutuplevels batch intentionally used slightly JPEG-ed tilesets with artefacts visible in-game if you look closely enough.