Just hit 10 screens! At this rate I'll be done in a week, or maybe two (depending on how much real life interferes).
Warning: this is going to be a tiny level, it's basically just a postcard of my summer vacation. Maybe 30 screens total, at a guess?
Just so people know what to expect.
I'm putting a lot of effort into each screen, though. I'm finding it oddly fun to try to transpose a real place into the medium of Knytt Stories, using only tilesets that already exist. I'm taking a painterly approach, lots of layering; use of foreground/background - which, with some tilesets and places, takes absolutely forever. One particular screen I made took four hours!
Some allowances have to be made, of course... both in terms of fidelity to the real world, and in terms of "gameplay" (extremely limited to begin with, and some inconsistencies re: what's on layer 3, occasionally - due to the tileset combinations and the layering.)