All F1 Descriptions (Full transcript of the KS+ context bar)

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Offline Lit Knob

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If you think you might still be missing something after pressing F1 everywhere on KS+, this is a complete transcript of all F1 descriptions.

Bear in mind, there's some typos in the original descriptions.
They will be fixed in the upcoming KS+ update.
You won't find them in this transcript.
(Warning: Gigantic)

Preview Switch (the WaDF ball in the upper left corner): "Click to toggle adjacent screen previews.
When eyes are open, screens are drawn slow and accurate"


Any tile on the screen (layer 0-2): "Click to draw a tile into the background.  Right Click to select a tile.
Shift + Click to fill.  Shift + Right Click to replace.  Hold Ctrl to select area."

Any tile on the screen (layer 3): "Click to draw a collision layer tile.  Right Click to select a tile.
Shift + Click to fill.  Shift + Right Click to replace.  Hold Ctrl to select area."

Any tile on the screen (layer 4-7): "Click to add an object.  Right Click to select an object."

Middle Part

Border Color (the square in the lower left corner of the screen): "Click or Right Click to change the canvas border color."

Script: "Expand or close the script editor panel.
Keyboard Shortcut: F3"

Test Level: "Click here, then on the canvas to test the game.
Click here again to cancel."

Set Start: "Click here, then on the canvas to set the level's start position.
Click here again to cancel."

Change Indicator (beside Set Start): "A yellow color indicates changes have been made."

Guides (the X between layers): "Click to show or hide guides on the canvas.
Keyboard Shortcut: Tab"

Layer Buttons

Layer 0-2: "Click layer 0, 1, or 2  to place background tiles.  Right Click hides layer.
Try Shift + Click and Shift + Right Click.  Keyboard Shortcuts: 0, 1, 2."

Layer 3: "Click layer 3 to place collision tiles.  Right Click hides layer.
Try Shift + Click and Shift + Right Click.  Keyboard Shortcut: 3."

Layer 4-5: "Click layer 4 or 5 to put objects behind Juni.  Right Click hides layer.
Try Shift + Click and Shift + Right Click.  Keyboard Shortcuts: 4 and 5."

Layer 6-7: "Click layer 6 or 7 to put objects in front of Juni.  Right Click hides layer.
Try Shift + Click and Shift + Right Click.  Keyboard Shortcuts: 6 and 7."

Tileset & Gradient

Background Color (the square above the upper left corner of the tileset): "Click or Right Click to change the color behind the tileset"

Tileset A: "Click to make tileset A active.
Keyboard Shortcut: Q"

Tileset B: "Click to make tileset B active.
Keyboard Shortcut: E"

Tileset A Number: "Click, Right Click, or Mouse Wheel to change tileset A.
Hold Shift to change by 10."

Tileset B Number: "Click, Right Click, or Mouse Wheel to change tileset B.
Hold Shift to change by 10."

Gradient Number (Background Number): "Click, Right Click, or Mouse Wheel to change background gradient.
Hold Shift to change by 10."

Map Color (the gray number in the corner): "The number of the color seen on the in-game map for the current gradient."

Any tile on the tileset: "Click selects a tile. Drag selects an area. Right Click moves area selection.
Keyboard Shortcuts: WASD moves selection, F stops area selection."

F1 Context Bar: "This gives information about what's under the mouse when you press F1."

Music & Ambiance

Music Play Button: "Click and hold to preview music.
Right Click to toggle music playing."

Ambiance A & B Play Buttons: "Click and hold to preview ambiance.
Right Click to toggle ambiance playing."

Play All: "Click and hold to preview selected audio tracks.
Right Click to toggle audio track playing."

Music Track: "Click, Right Click, or Mouse Wheel to change music track.
Hold Shift to change by 10."

Ambiance A & B Tracks: "Click, Right Click, or Mouse Wheel to change ambiance track.
Hold Shift to change by 10."

Test Level, Set Start, and the Map

Power and Flag Icons (after clicking Test Level): "Click icons to toggle powers and flags player has during testing.
Shift + Click to disable all.  Shift + Right Click to enable all."

Power and Flag Icons (after clicking Set Start): "Click icons to toggle powers and flags player has at level start.
Shift + Click to disable all.  Shift + Right Click to enable all."

Expand Map: "Click to open a much larger map."

Map Screen: "Click a tile to open the screen it represents.
The white box indicates the current screen."

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Script & Tabs (after clicking Script)
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Thanks to Wibi/ncrecc for reporting two of the typos.

Here's a txt version:
« Last Edit: July 25, 2023, 18:49:35 by Lit Knob »
"The flaw expert" -egomassive