Electronic superpower device, what would you build?

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Electronic superpower device, what would you build?
« on: June 20, 2021, 13:09:51 »
Please read the first post entirely before posting.

We've all seen the superhero movies and series. The superhere usually either has a supernatural ability or they use money to get an advancement over others and use that to fight crime.

To make it so that you can't just look up your favorite superhero character and name their ability, but actually have to put in some thought, I've come up with this forumgame.

You have to come up with a super ability that is completely electronically driven, as in, you don't actually have the ability yourself, but you use a device that grants you this ability, such as a grappling hook for climbing, a binoculars for super vision, etc.

The device must be somehow wearable, so you can carry it with you all the time and instantly use it. Performing an action to turn it on/off is allowed.

But here's where the interesting part comes in. It is a two stage process, and you have to describe both stages in your post.
- Stage one: Using all technology currently available on earth, you must be able to construct the device that would grant you that super power. Describe the assembly process, doesn't matter how chunky it is etc... For example: glue binoculars to glasses and glue that with a rotating mechanism to a hat for on/off.
- Stage two: describe how one could fabricate this to a device that is lightweight and easy to wear, and more preferably invisible to anyone. Given that superheros usually wear a costume to hide their identity, if it can be a part of this costume easily without it being bulky/heavy, that is perfectly allowed. Basically, the super enemy should not be able to see where the superpower is located on you to be able to take a perfectly aimed snipershot and disable your device, rendering your superpower useless. For example: superhero wears a helmet. It has a hidden camera lens with 500x optical zoom in there and the visor has a screen in it.

There are a few rules that you need to follow that will otherwise invalidate your post. If your post is invalidated, please don't post it, or it will otherwise be removed.

Your post must both have stage one and stage two.

Also tell us why.

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Re: Electronic superpower device, what would you build?
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2021, 13:15:17 »
I'll start.

I wish I had a superpower that would give me 300 times zoom.

Prototype stage
I would construct it using a binoculars taped to glasses, and the glasses would be mounted with a pivot point to a hemlet. So I have the helmet on my head and the binoculars on my head pointed up, I can then pull it down to use.

Superhero implementation
To make it work, I would build it inside the helmet I'd wear to hide my identity. There would be a camera lens on the helmet somewhere and the feed would be projected inside my helmet. The controls would be on my arm allowing me to zoom in and out.

I'd love to have this ability because my vision is actually not that great. Although I can see well with my glasses, if something is too far away, especially text, I just can't see it clear enough. Text that is too far away if not big and bold, I just can't read it.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2021, 13:16:59 by LPChip »
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MODPlug Central Forum
"If I tried to kill you, I'd end up with a big fat hole through my laptop." - Chironex