check-in and affirmation thread

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Offline atinypony

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check-in and affirmation thread
« on: June 30, 2023, 11:19:31 »
this might be a silly idea or the wrong section. (i thought about putting this in forum games but it feels a bit too earnest for there) but...
it seems like a good time just to ask how everyone's doing, and say that even if the answer's 'not good', that's ok.


Offline Lucinda

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Re: check-in and affirmation thread
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2023, 08:03:48 »
Been thinking about this thread for a while. I think no one's replied to it because to answer honestly would mean giving out a lot of very vulnerable info. We're kind of a complicated bunch, I've found. But I'll try to answer still. I think the main thing is that I'm starting graduate school in a month and I'm very anxious about it. It's just so structured and intense. I've got some interpersonal stuff going on and I'm prone to being constantly stressed and down. What keeps me going is KS and finding joy in little things like taking a bath or reading a sharp comment on Reddit, or wandering through aisles at the overpriced grocery store. Also, being there for others and trying to make people's lives better thru focused conversation and encouragement. Maybe fitting that I'll be studying to be a psychotherapist 8D
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