Thanks a lot for the feedback, guys!
@LPChip: I considered placing two extra artifacts in random screens for a short while, but I ended discarding the idea for the sake of consistency (since all the other artifacts require the player to solve a puzzle and/or beat some kind of challenge). I might do that if I decide to extend the level with a few extra screens before I upload it at KnyttLevels, though.
Being able to set custom totals for collectibles would be nice, especially for the gold coins. Since my levels are usually Small/Medium sized, I normally use only a small subset of those (unless I use the same approach I took in
The Dithered Temple, with treasure rooms that contain many coins at once).
@helvetzia: Yeah, I figured this particular theme would not be everyone's cup of tea. I really wanted to put those discarded graphics and sound to good use, though, so I decided to finish and release the level anyway. Glad you enjoyed the level despite this!
There are two coins hidden underground that require you to use the "jump down" feature in certain spots (keep an eye open for hints on the ground). There are also two coins floating in the sky: one that can be reached simply by gliding from a high place and another one that requires you to double-jump straight up in a very specific spot (marked with a not-so-subtle hint). I suspect the two coins you're missing may be among these.
BonkCoins(tm) do not have any use in the level (at least for now). They're there simply so you can find and collect them as a bonus quest. You might be able to use them to cheer some of your favorite streamers, though
@sergiocornaga: Glad you liked the custom content! Since this level is much smaller and simpler than TDT, I was able to spend more time to customizing objects (including the save point, which required a workaround since that one doesn't support OCOs). I put the CO for the white water in low priority, since the light it emits is very hard to see with the color palette here, but I ended forgetting about it

Updating the level is a bit cumbersome, as you have already pointed out, but I might address this anyway if I find at least a couple other issues.
Also, I didn't know there was a MIDI file for the song

I had to reproduce the song purely by ear, which means some (probably many) notes may be off. Thanks for uploading the file, it might come in handy for future levels.
@Purple Ink: The requirements are lower this time, you may have enough with just 384KB. If you run it on a system with even less memory, it might revert to Hercules mode instead of CGA, though

Glad you enjoyed the secret area!