This level had ups and downs. The minigames were fun and well designed for the most part. Most of the level (especially above ground) was very bland, and the buildings repeated themselves many times. (How many saloons are there? The main story had something to do with "The Saloon" being destroyed, but there's five others.) Also, interiors of buildings look nothing like interiors of buildings.
I had NO IDEA what was going on the entire time. Your english is really bad. I'm not sure if english is your second language, or if you're just really young, but I can't understand anything you say. (If it is your second language, it would be really helpful to notify us of this somewhere in your profile. And please do us all a favor and put your age too.)
You mentioned that your level is "funny" 4 times.
Most levels have "custom intros/endings". You don't have to tell us.
"Message". Not "massage".
A tileset isn't a "custom tileset" if it's not by you.
You don't have to tell us how good your level is.
The English was bad becuz i didnt used Succesfully the signs BUT STOP SAYING THAT didnt Expected you will say that but its Truth (my keyboard isnt working).
I didnt understand what you said about Custom Things But Dont Reply me
I said Already im working on another level
And the Saloons Are 5
I replayed the buildings becuz i dont have an Awsome Tileset like this
I know that the english was bad but you understand it !
Heres the minigames ~
Dodge The ball : you should press s when the ball comes yellow (Golden) - Reward = Run B
Tricky Jumps : Just climb until you get the rock - Reward = A ROCK !!?
Get me Shines : go Down and give that guy a Shiney Thing - Reward = you got NOTHING
how it goes : ??????? ( You should see it by your self )
Bowling : ??????? ( You should see it by your self > BEST MINIGAME EVER )
Thats All