Awesome! I actually played around with the idea of doing a chapter 3 no disorder run before, but figuring out the route seemed a bit daunting, and I'd never done a nonlinear speedrun before, especially not of this scope. Your run was a really nice starting point, when I saw it I kinda went right on to the task since I was already quite good with the game's mechanics and could see the potential for a lot of cool maneuvrers in this run.
The map you posted alone would have made me consider to also try planning my own route, but because of another thing I pretty much had to do it. I knew a trick with which you could skip having to collect the items required for a bell altogether (before watching the run, can you guess which bell it is?), so the route could definitely be improved by a lot. So I took the item map and layered it above a rendered ingame map that I found by searching in the forum.
Here's what my routing process looked like:

Red crosses are rooms you'd likely never visit in an efficient run, white circles are rooms you'd probably have to visit and green circles are items you'd probably have to collect. After some time the route that looked the most optimal became more and more apparent, so I stopped drawing the white circles and just connected the different parts.
With this new route and due to me already being familiar with a lot of movement tricks in the game, I managed to get a very good time after only about 30 attempts. There are still plenty of small mistakes due to not being all that familiar with the run yet, but this run didn't really have any big mistakes and most of the small ones were easily averted, so I still consider this a pretty damn good run.
Here's the recording of the run:
Knytt Underground - Chapter 3 No Disorder Speedrun in 22:18That's where I'll keep the time at for now but I may continue to improve the run in the future. With a lot of practice, I'd probably be able to cut off another 30-60 seconds of the time. For now, please enjoy