When you free the wolves, the triggers in screen
x998y1014 sometimes don't activate if your character stops moving right after the wolves start running towards you. When this happens, the wolves start running back and forth across the entire room until you continue moving and touch one of the triggers. Then, for some reason, one of them will get completely stuck at the entrance of the room

This happens because the collision mask of the selected trigger type (Spot) does not cover the entire tile, so it's possible for the player to stand between two trigger objects without actually touching them.
It's not a major issue, since the chances of this happening are rather small (I just happen to have very bad luck in general

). However, if you want to be 100% sure the animation works correctly every time, just set the type for
Trigger A in screen x998y1014 to "
Square". That should cover the entire screen, as you intended

Also, I noticed some borderless walls in screen
x998y1002 (just before releasing the wolves), at position x23y5.