That's a nice looking site. I definitely didn't pick up on the 2007 feel you were going for. It certainly could have been created in `07, but to me the refinement and restraint make it almost timeless. I'd also say that the design aesthetic was informed by the games the site honors, so I can't imagine a more appropriate way for the site to look.
I greatly appreciate that you two advocate the use of KS+. The public, including some long time KS players, are still squeamish about it. My own browsers recommend I delete the files when I test the download links.
Anyway, it gets many mentions on your site, from the about page to the custom level lists. If I were wondering if KS+ was a safe download and I found the Juniverse, I would be more than reassured. So, thank you.
I'm curious where the site is going from here. Do you you intend to extend your lists of level? Will the site stay pretty much as it is?
Edit: Silly me. I just reread Rainulous' post above where mention his future plans.