Hmm, I think the detail on the upper boat is a bit too faded out.
Oh yeah, just had to trump my fishing rod, didn't you!

That lizard in the water is even better than the subtle reference to 'Shipwrecked'! (Also, spotted some 'Knytt' references. You're just raking in the geek-cred, aren't you?)
Mahoosive bird would, I think, be better on a layer in front of Juni since you can walk across its feet. (But it looks very cool! In my weird mind I think it'd be cool if it squawked when you passed it by.) - In retrospect, it would make its secret look weird. Hmm... difficult to find a solution for that one. It's the only ugly bit of layering I noticed in the level. Still would have been nice if it had said 'Squawk'...
The reactive flower COs are fun and really well-drawn. (For some reason I actually wrote 'dwarf' there instead of 'drawn'. Too much D&D for Talps...)
Turtle rock ditto. The little shiver of terror as it turns around is beautifully done.
'Truly' doesn't have an 'e' in it. (At least it doesn't my side of the pond. Is it one of the words that Americans spell
incorrectly differently?)
I love the toasts. There needs to be a third ending where Juni falls in love with and marries Loaf! Trees are great!

I loved the endings; had lots of fun reading the small print in the credits.
Tilesets are lovely, graphics are great. May make use of some of your lovely work in the future.
All in all a rocking level. Thanks very much! (And that's a fact!)
One lost opportunity (to my mind): From when I saw the screenshot in this thread I was imagining Juni revisiting that screen but walking on the foreground rocks with the midground in the background. Seeing the fisherman and house and cave mouth in the foreground reinforced this expectation. I was a bit disappointed that it never came through. Maybe its something you never thought of... but I think it would have added a lovely bit of depth to the 2D world.