Hello everyone,
I haven't been active here for quite a while. Some of you may remember my levels such as Pestilence, etc. I haven't been knytting at all in these past few years, but last autumn I've started working on a new level. I've always wanted to build something as large as Gaia, only with more fleshed-out and realistic (as in, no chocolate cities) environments. That's what I'm doing now, but just as something to help me relax every now and again, because knytting has that effect on me these days.
I'm sorry to say that the level isn't very, um, new or modern? All tilesets are from a long time ago and most were used in at least a few levels, because I suck at pixel art, but want nice-looking graphics. There are no tricky shifts, challenges, or any handiwork of that sort - like I said, the level is very much like Gaia in concept, only hopefully a bit more pleasing to the eyes. And as much as I appreciate egomassive's work, my level doesn't use any KS+ capabilities.
It's really something of a private affair, just something for me to do, like a model ship or something. I never thought of releasing this to the public, but my website logs tell me that even in 2016 some people are looking for my levels - so strange to see KS is still alive today! - and so I've reuploaded those, and I'm putting this topic up in case anyone is interested in another level from me. Only if you liked Pestilence etc.,, this one is not experimental at all. Here are a few screenshots to give you some idea of the thing. They're all from the first continent. I hope to finish at least one continent eventually, and three if everything goes according to plan. I've no idea how many screens there are already, sorry.
(I like doing tiny changes to the tilesets I'm using, but those take a lot of time, because like I said, I suck at drawing in general and pixel art in particular. I also suck at doing interiors, so you can't go inside any of those houses. Oops! Sure wish this wasn't the case...)