Hey! One of my favourite sites to buy/sell games through is
itch.io, which has become quite popular. There is no barrier for entry, so it fits with your proposed plan of not waiting for approval (which I think sounds fine). Though I've never tried it, the
Humble Widget also looks quite open, you can just plonk it on your website. Presumably this also sets you on a path to potential Humble Store / Bundle inclusion. Afterwards, you could go through Greenlight, or try submitting to stuff like
IndieGameStand (don't know if that one's actually worth it, though).
As for running a devblog, you should probably decide based on whether you want to do it or not. I doubt it will gain a lot of attention without your enthusiasm, after all. A lower-effort alternative to this that I recommend would be talking about your game through a Twitter account and posting interesting GIFs of your game (assuming it looks good in motion) tagged #gamedev and the like. Twitter seems almost essential these days.
Disclaimer: I've never actually put out a commercial game.