Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening

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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2015, 21:46:21 »
Thanks, glad you liked it :)  I'll try to contribute to this thread from time to time. I really like the idea of having a directory of KS reviews here.
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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #16 on: August 10, 2015, 19:46:15 »
That said, let me start with one of the levels I've played most recently:

I'm glad that my level is on your some kind of ?the most recently playable levels? list. Honestly, I didn't expect that my level could be so popular, because it's quite simple and small and childish (even for the first level) and so...I think more professional levels are better for the review. :oops:
Finished levels:
(my first try)

“Oh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains.” ~ Khalil Gibran


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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #17 on: August 11, 2015, 00:42:00 »
But childish IS fun :D

Simple levels can be very enjoyable. And that's the charm of Knytt Stories: whether you're in the mood for an epic and elaborated adventure, or for a short and quirky game, you're guaranteed to find a level matching what you want to play at that moment.
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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #18 on: August 11, 2015, 18:18:25 »
Maybe. :P

As I said before I'm thinking about improved version of my level so it won't be childish anymore. :D Or making a new level, I can't decide. But definitely something. It's been a long time since I've create something, so I feel ashamed as hell. And now I feel it even more, because it seems that everyone is in the mood to make various levels.

But anyway, your review is highly appreciated! :)
« Last Edit: August 11, 2015, 18:20:43 by CWolvie »
Finished levels:
(my first try)

“Oh heart, if one should say to you that the soul perishes like the body, answer that the flower withers, but the seed remains.” ~ Khalil Gibran


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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #19 on: August 13, 2015, 21:34:11 »

Looking for Flynnas
Made by Kira
Released on 21 June 2015
Challenge/Challenge - Medium or Hard

Initially, I said I wasn't going to do this review, cause I thought the level was too unfair. Interesting how opinions can change over the course of a few weeks. After ample time to cool down, I remembered the things this level presented me with, and felt the urge to try again, but for real this time. For clarity's sake, I will quote myself with what I had initially stated in the level's thread:

Spoiler: Fubaka's initial quote (click to show/hide)

I would later go on to apologize for being so blunt in that initial statement, but I had still asserted that I wouldn't be able to finish the level fairly. Looking back on it now, it seems silly to me the things I was saying. I played through this again and, this time knowing what I was getting into, the level wasn't quite as hard as I remember. I actually DID manage to complete it without cheating. As such, I think I owe it to Kira to make a formal review, especially after the needless bad-talking I had been doing before. Especially in recent times, I know what it's like to have someone bad mouth something you'd worked so hard on, so, among other things, I feel the need to avoid hypocrisy and atone for my gaming sins.

Let's dive into it, shall we?

Trustworthiness: This is a bit of a different beast in terms of how the trust is played out. Most of us grew up playing Portal. As such, we assume that designers will expect us to disobey them when they tell us not to do something.

Spoiler: Story elements (click to show/hide)

I played to this type during my first playthrough, and was punished severely for it. At the time, I was already taken off my guard by the unorthodox design (see below for more on that) and was already losing my patience. When I inevitably went for the magical white key, despite several warnings, I was sent to a prison and had to start the game over. (so of course, at that point I ended up cheating)  I was mad, I was tired, I was not thinking straight, to be honest.

What can I say? I just have a bad habit of picking up keys.  :P

On my second playthrough, I knew how things were going to be. Ultimately, if you know who you can trust, you will make it through just fine.

Spoiler: Gameplay hints (click to show/hide)

Because of the Chaotic Evil nature of the level itself, combined with the Lawful Good nature of the tips and advice, this level's overall alignment is True Neutral.

Design: When I first played this, I was baffled by the design. I felt it went against everything that made a level good. After all, having things in the level that when touched force you to restart the entire game seems a bit ludicrous in principle. However, upon my second playthrough, I realized that those things were VERY avoidable, and that the game gave you ample warnings not to tovch them.

If you are not rock stubborn enough to get caught in those traps, you will find the design is pretty straightforward. It is very clunky in places, and transitions are not always perfect, but if you follow the path and find all the tips, you will eventually reach the end.
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

The design, as I already stated, is unorthodox, but it does follow its own rules in most places. Unfortunately, there are still some glaring problems, including several places where wallswims and Voids are accessible. As far as I can tell, however, none of these can lead to sequence breaks. In addition, the placement of enemies in several of the areas can be off-putting, especially if you're the type of Knyttist who loses patience quickly when save points are uncommon. You can expect to be killed from transitioning between screens a couple of times. However, if you can forgive this transgression, you will find the level is more or less fair in its challenges.

However, there are some jumps that require very precise timing, especially near the end. To many, this would warrant a higher difficulty rating than the one advertised, and I am inclined to agree for the most part. In addition, the level has a bad habit of confiscating your powerups without warning, then telling you too late that you've lost them. Some of these are re-collectible, but others are not. In the context of the story, this phenomenon does make sense, but it can still be off-putting.

I find the design overall to be shaky.

Agenda: The premise of the level is simple enough. Flynnas, a nerdy game designer, was developing a game world that would be fun and easy, but somewhere down the line, a separate entity came and took the game over, locking Flynnas up in the process. The goal of the level is to find and free Flynnas.

Spoiler: Story elements (click to show/hide)

This story is not immediately obvious to the player. As Juni traverses the world, she will encounter notes left behind from Flynnas who is trying to explain the situation, as well as running into the main antagonist who will attempt to set traps that will send her to a place of eternal torment known simply as White Hell, under the guise of a fair challenge. If Juni does get sent to White Hell, she can escape by reverting to the last save point.

As the level continues, Juni will need to traverse more areas of the game world, segmented together in a haphazard manner and broken in several places. Only after collecting enough tips and (real) keys will she be able to overcome the force holding Flynnas hostage.

I personally thought the story was told very well, and there are many points that are striking and memorable. However, I do not think most people will come away from it the same way I did.

Overall, the objective is met passably.

Vibe: This is the level's strongest standing point. In many ways, the artistic prowess of this world rivals that of my all time favorite KS level, Teenhmifnoeafgil. There are so many areas in this level that are strikingly beautiful and/or otherwise memorable. I can show you a few examples of places that stuck with me, and encouraged me to give this level another shot.

Spoiler: Images (click to show/hide)

In addition, the music and ambiance is (almost) all striking and memorable, each giving the areas they inhabit a distinct feel to them. It's definitely a roller coaster ride of tonality, which is masterfully executed thanks to the superb art and sound.

Overall, the vibe is mesmerizing!

Enjoyability: First time I played this, I didn't enjoy it. The level was too far from my usual standards, and I was getting frustrated with some of the challenges. When I grabbed the white key and was stuck, that put the toothpick through my burger of discontent.

When I returned to it, I found the challenges much more doable, and, knowing what to avoid, I managed to enjoy myself quite a bit more. I feel like players who are overly obsessed with secret hunting will probably get tired of running around in the lower sectors of the early stages, and come out disappointed that they didn't find anything of note. (aside from a certain important path that you have to take later)

I suspect that those who do not read this review and play it for the first time will probably have a similar reaction to the one I initially had. I hope that they, like me, will give the level another shot. It's definitely worth the re-play.

Summation: I feel like this level was an important deprogramming tool for me, in terms of what constitutes a 'good' KS level, or a good game in general. I can only hope that I didn't hurt Kira's feelings with my initial comments. I feel a sense of completion, and a renewed vigor to play and make more content for KS after finishing this level legitimately. Given enough time, this may even break my top 10 favorite KS levels of all time, it really is that good IMO. Take my words for what you will. In the mean-time, I gotta go back and do more work on my KS projects.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 21:42:56 by Fubaka »
Things to remember when writing figures of speech and sound:
The power of poetry comes from the ability to defy logic. Defy logic often.

Use a metaphor and tell us that your lover is the sky. Tell us that your lover is the sky. When you do that, we won't believe you. We won't believe you because saying so makes no sense, but we'll see a meaning. We'll see a meaning.

The other thing is the ability to be remembered. Love anything.

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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2015, 19:23:52 »
I found this new level in the Knyttlevels.com archive just a few days ago. It seems to be an interesting level and I haven't seen a release thread for it yet, so I thought it would be a good candidate for a review.

Choice by TigerNDV
Type: [Puzzle/Challenge] / Size: [Medium] / Difficulty: [Normal/Hard]

In this level, you play as a prisoner trapped in some sort of high-security complex. Your objective is to endure the rough life there and survive for as long as you can while trying to escape the facility. As the name of the level suggests, the player is often presented with different choices and possible actions that determine the flow of the adventure.

This story is structured in days (each chapter begins with you waking up and ends when you go to sleep, unless something goes terribly wrong) and features multiple endings.

[ Download link ] (Knyttlevels.com)

Spoiler: Screenshot (click to show/hide)

Level Design: 7 - Good

The first thing I want to address is that this level is played in a rather unconventional way, much more like a "Choose Your Own Adventure" multiple choice game (hence the title) than a platforming adventure. Therefore, I feel that the categories chosen by the author for this level don't describe it correctly. Since it doesn't feature challenges based on reflexes and platforming skills, I'd label it as a Puzzle/Misc level instead. As for the difficulty, there is a single mode and I'd say it's Easy because I reached the true ending with very little trouble (I did have to retry once, as I will explain later).

The overall design for this level is pretty good and shows a lot of work. It's mainly storytelling-based, so it features a good amount of NPCs (with even a bit of character development for some of them) and dialogue. The map is designed in a pretty clever way so that you can only use your abilities when the situation allows you to. You can only climb walls that have ladders on it, and you can't run around when you're too hungry or exhausted.

The layout of the map is relatively simple, composed mostly by flat areas, but since most of the story takes place inside a building, that's something to be expected. It is also a very linear experience, which may or may not be your cup of tea. I think it suits the story just fine (even though it feels somewhat repetitive after a while), but if you were looking for level with a big map to explore and secrets to find, you'll be disappointed.

There are no regular save points in this level. Your progress is automatically saved at certain moments, which is nice. However, there's a big flaw in this system, and it's the fact that you can get easily locked in a bad ending path with no other way to correct your mistake than restarting the game from the beginning.

Spoiler: Save system rant (click to show/hide)

It's not a total deal breaker because the game is somewhat short and you can retrace your steps pretty quickly once you know what to do, but it would have been really nice if the game gave you the option to start at any day you have successfully completed up to that point.

Ambience / Eye-candy: 8 - Very good

Most of the graphics are pretty nice (I especially liked the tiles used in the cave/mine areas), although some of the tiles used in the interiors lack detail. The walls of the prison complex look a bit strange, as if they were made of wooden planks instead of bricks.

What really brings the score up here are the really cool lightning effects, mostly present in the last part of the game. These include shadows, flashes and flickering lights, and they really help set the ambience for that section. I'd even say it's one of the best uses of COs for lightning I've seen in a KS level in a long time.

Sound is also very well used in this level, with some nice ambience tracks and plenty of custom sound effects that contribute a lot to the oppresive and tense atmosphere of the adventure.

Polish: 6.5 - Nice

I didn't find any obvious void screens and/or wallswim errors, which is really good for a level that relies so much on shifts and duplicate screens. Also, most of the multiple choice and special action sections are handled correctly and carefully (the author definitely put a lot of effort into not letting the player do unexpected things during these events). I did, however, find a room with undefined shift objects in the last section of the game:

This error didn't prevent me from completing the level, though.

Spoiler: Nitpicking (click to show/hide)

The intro screen and the cutscenes are really simple, featuring only a plain black background and some bits of straightforward text. I can't help but feel that the storytelling and tense atmosphere in the level would have benefited a lot from more elaborate cutscenes.

The level icon is also present but it isn't very descriptive, as the only thing it shows is Juni wearing an orange outfit (which represents the prison uniform, but you won't probably know that until you start playing).

Creativity / Originality: 8 - Very good

A story about a modern prison in a non-fantasy setting is not something we usually see in KS levels (I do recall seeing at least one old level featuring this theme, though). The CYOA-like game structure and the custom graphics (custom tilesets are used exclusively) gives this level a rather unique style. I liked how some of your choices affected the flow of the game, while some others were only there to give you a more interactive feeling.

Spoiler: End area (spoilers) (click to show/hide)

Personal experience: 7 - Good

For the most part, I enjoyed the story. I was curious about what was going to happen at any moment, and that kept me playing until the very end.

I should also mention that there are a few jumpscares present in the last section of the game, and these aren't exactly my thing. They are only a few though, so this wasn't a big deal for me.

Spoiler: Nitpicking again! (click to show/hide)

OVERALL: 7.25 - Good. It's a pretty neat level all around, with a rather dark theme and unique style. If you like multiple choice games and story driven levels, you should definitely give it a shot. On the other hand, if you are looking for a platforming challenge and/or a big map to explore, this might not be what you're looking for.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 15:13:44 by Vegetal Gibber »
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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2015, 20:05:35 »
Ah, I was planning on reviewing this'n, but it looks like you beat me to it. Just as well, since I hadn't thought about it at all this morning.

As it is a level that relies so heavily on shifts, there actually were a few places (the elevator, in particular) where I managed to get caught in a wallswim. The story didn't make much sense to me either, but the effects were very well done. This is definitely something that could have been expanded on.
Things to remember when writing figures of speech and sound:
The power of poetry comes from the ability to defy logic. Defy logic often.

Use a metaphor and tell us that your lover is the sky. Tell us that your lover is the sky. When you do that, we won't believe you. We won't believe you because saying so makes no sense, but we'll see a meaning. We'll see a meaning.

The other thing is the ability to be remembered. Love anything.

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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #22 on: August 18, 2015, 14:25:31 »
Yeah, this level could definitely have used some additional character backstory (for starters, you never learn the reason you got thrown into that prison) and some way to establish a connection between the prison and that last area. I thought the events of the first 6 days were a very interesting start, but then you find yourself suddenly stuck in the final area with no explanation of what's really happening, and it felt like a missed opportunity. Still, I thought it was an overall interesting experience that made for a nice change of pace from the more traditional levels we are used to.

I could tell you by PM beforehand whenever I'm thinking of doing a review of a recent release. This way we can avoid writing two articles about the same level. What do you think?
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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #23 on: August 18, 2015, 19:53:20 »
I could tell you by PM beforehand whenever I'm thinking of doing a review of a recent release. This way we can avoid writing two articles about the same level. What do you think?

Might be worth mentioning, if you intend to do this sort of thing regularly.
Things to remember when writing figures of speech and sound:
The power of poetry comes from the ability to defy logic. Defy logic often.

Use a metaphor and tell us that your lover is the sky. Tell us that your lover is the sky. When you do that, we won't believe you. We won't believe you because saying so makes no sense, but we'll see a meaning. We'll see a meaning.

The other thing is the ability to be remembered. Love anything.

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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #24 on: August 19, 2015, 09:07:14 »

Mystery Island (v3)
Made by RelicShine
Released on 18 August 2015
Challenge - Hard

We encounter another new level from knyttlevels.com. (because apparently people not associated with the forums still make and submit KS levels. Go figure.) This is one of those short and sweet levels where you run around and collect powerups and keys to reach the end, whilst avoiding the baddies, but it has a few nice touches to help distinguish it from the sea of average levels.

Trustworthiness: This level is certainly Small. It certainly is Hard. It definitely has an island. It's definitely mysterious.

Lawful Good.

Design: The level design is minimalistic, and some would say it doesn't make full use of the tilesets picked for it, especially in the caves. While the placement of the monsters does fit the bill of Hard, it does so in many instances by being crammed together in amateur fashion. Still, it isn't too annoying to deal with until near the end, and even so, you only contend with three screens of them at that point.

The level, while a bit awkward-looking, is solid and free of voids and wallswims. (except for one cliff which can be passed for void access at x998y997) There are a few areas, particularly in the caves, which seem to serve no function. But I personally don't mind this. The only thing I would gripe about is the relative lack of save points. There's only one in the entire cave area, and four in total.

I find the design overall to be decent.

Agenda: The story begins with a field of grass, and words which tell you to 'Look Up!'. You then find yourself in a swamp, and from there you may go wherever you want. To the left, you find a young lady who says what may be one of my new favorite lines from any KS level:

From there, it's merely a matter of dodging the evil flowers and stuff to get the powers and eventually find your way to the end. There are a couple of other things to talk to along the way, but they don't say anything all that useful either.

Spoiler: Ending (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Secrets (click to show/hide)

Overall, the objective is met normally.

Vibe: This level utilizes the standard Knytt Stories music, and ambiance is not present anywhere other than the cave. Apart from the general awkwardness of the level, the level is pitifully standard in this regard.

Overall, the vibe is shallow.

Enjoyability: Honestly, this level was worth playing for the line near the beginning. Additionally, as said, there are no serious game-breaking flaws here. (unless you count the Void up top) As long as you don't get frustrated by the enemies, you will make it to the end with little issue.

I'd play it again, but it'd be a while.

Summation: If you are in need of a new KS level, this one's not a bad play. Don't expect Shakespeare, however. That I feel is all that needs to be said.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2015, 20:24:36 by Fubaka »
Things to remember when writing figures of speech and sound:
The power of poetry comes from the ability to defy logic. Defy logic often.

Use a metaphor and tell us that your lover is the sky. Tell us that your lover is the sky. When you do that, we won't believe you. We won't believe you because saying so makes no sense, but we'll see a meaning. We'll see a meaning.

The other thing is the ability to be remembered. Love anything.

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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #25 on: August 19, 2015, 15:12:39 »
It doesn't have a forum thread here, but there is a page for this level at Glorious Trainwrecks where you can read and post comments (it was one of the entries submitted for the Knytt of the Month #9 event).

I thought it was a pretty good level with a nice amount of exploration, especially for being made in such short time with no prior preparations (about 2:15 hours, according to the author), although I agree that the enemy placement in some of the screens made for some frustrating moments.
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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #26 on: August 19, 2015, 20:25:07 »
It doesn't have a forum thread here, but there is a page for this level at Glorious Trainwrecks where you can read and post comments (it was one of the entries submitted for the Knytt of the Month #9 event).

I thought it was a pretty good level with a nice amount of exploration, especially for being made in such short time with no prior preparations (about 2:15 hours, according to the author), although I agree that the enemy placement in some of the screens made for some frustrating moments.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I didn't think to look there again since the event was over.
Things to remember when writing figures of speech and sound:
The power of poetry comes from the ability to defy logic. Defy logic often.

Use a metaphor and tell us that your lover is the sky. Tell us that your lover is the sky. When you do that, we won't believe you. We won't believe you because saying so makes no sense, but we'll see a meaning. We'll see a meaning.

The other thing is the ability to be remembered. Love anything.

Love anything

Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2015, 02:08:21 »
where do I get the yellow key from? thnx


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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #28 on: January 13, 2016, 20:54:13 »
I wrote this review a few months ago, but decided not to post it here at the last minute because I wasn't very happy with the negative tone of the article. Might as well post it now to breathe some life into the thread:

"Past and Future" by Deni
Type: [Challenge] / Size: Not specified / Difficulty: [Normal/Hard]

[ Download link ] Link removed, search at Knyttlevels.com if you want to try the level for yourself.

This is a level I found by randomly searching in the Knyttlevels archive while looking for one of those unknown gems that haven't been mentioned on the forums, or at least something entertaining to pass the time. Unfortunately, what I unearthed was something that would probably have been better left buried.

Normally I would refrain from doing this kind of commentary. I'm trying to become a game developer myself and I know from personal experience how appalling can be for an author to have something that they put a lot of effort on be harhsly criticized or even ridiculized. However, I think the present level is a very good example of pretty much everything that should be avoided when making a game, so I feel it can be an interesting case study. I'll try my hardest to avoid being unfair and/or needlessly insulting, out of respect for the author's efforts... but let's just say this won't be pretty :/

Level design: 2/10 - Really bad

The level description is... well... very non-descriptive. The title seems to have been chosen purely at random, the "size" category is blank (which should be "Large" in my opinion), and there's only one difficulty level, which I'd say it's downright Lunatic. In fact, I've played Lunatic levels that were easier than this.

However, it's not just that the challenges themselves are difficult. Part of the reason the level is so hard lies in what it's usually called "fake" or "artificial" difficulty: scarcity of save points, sudden deaths, generally unfair situations and challenges that require prior knowledge of the level that only the designer has. This results in a bad and frustrating experience for most players.

The structure of the level is extremely linear, with practically no room for exploration. This isn't necessarily a bad thing in itself, but not only there's no definite goal, there's also absolutely no explanation whatsoever about what you are supposed to do (other than going forward and overcome the various challenges). Every area seems to have a radically different theme and purpose from the others, which makes the experience really confusing.

As for the individual features of this level...

Spoiler: Short version (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Long version (click to show/hide)

Ambience / Eye-candy: 4/10 - Very mixed up

The overall design of the level is very inconsistent. The map basically consists of a bunch of different-looking areas connected by tunnels, and the transition between them is often too sudden. Some of them look decent, like the laboratory part, but others look either too bland or cluttered with tons of pointless objects and particles.

Use of ambience sound is very limited. The vast majority of the screens just have the default ambience tracks #3 and #4 on them, even when it doesn't really fit their contents.

Polish: 3/10 - Poor

I found plenty of misalignments that will trigger a wallswim if you try to enter a room while jumping (Megaman boss door style :P), especially in the black & white area. I'm also not really sure if the level has been tested from start to end before the release, judging from the unforgiving nature of the proposed challenges.

It seems the author didn't put much care on the presentation. Neither the icon nor the info screen say anything relevant about the level. There are no cutscenes (other than a badly scaled "You Win" text at the end), and there are absolutely no mention of the original authors or sources of the graphics and music used.

Creativity / Originality: 0/10 - Plagiarism detected

There seems to be no definite theme or objective whatsoever. You're jump dumped into a long, linear series of challenges with no specified goal and that's it. There's a decent variety of areas, but that's about the only good thing I can say.

The black and white area is a blatant plagiarism of the level Going Left by SecretGlitch, but devoid of any humor and riddled with much more frustrating challenges. Some of the screens are almost carbon copies of the original with more traps added.

Spoiler: Proof (click to show/hide)

The level does feature custom music in almost all the areas, but most of the songs are (as far as I know) ripped from other games without even giving them credit. Not exactly something that would earn you bonus points in this category.

Personal experience: 1/10 - Downright painful

At first I thought the level was just going to be a somewhat bland and pointless environmental-ish map, but I kept going forward even if it seemed a little boring. It became a bit more interesting when I reached the first actual challenge, but that only lasted a little while until I got to a section full of unfair situations and almost no save points. I resorted to cheating so I could at least have a look at what the level had in store for the player after that really bad section, but things didn't improve at all. It quickly became a chore, so when I reached the previously mentioned invisible maze, I just gave up and used the editor to peek at the rest of the level and satisfy my curiosity in a much easier way.

OVERALL: 2/10 - Really bad. This isn't a level I'd recommend to anybody. It isn't the ugliest level I've seen and, to be completely fair, it does have a few decent screens here and there... but the average player (myself included) won't have the patience to keep playing for more than 10 minutes. Also, shamelessly stealing content from other games and authors is absolutely not cool.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 15:11:34 by Vegetal Gibber »
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Re: Fubaka Reviews 2: The Knyttening
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2016, 22:59:09 »
Nicely written, I have had a good time reading this XD.