Easier way to make this kind of animation?

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Offline Raicuparta

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Easier way to make this kind of animation?
« on: September 03, 2015, 03:19:20 »

This version looks very choppy, but in this example all I need have is a rotating textured sphere, with 2 other spheres for the eyes. This particular animation could probably be just faked in 2D, but I may want to do some more complicated textures on the sphere.
The only tool I know how to use for graphics is Photoshop, and making that kind of animation is not very efficient. Is there a tool that could make this more streamlined? I know this is probably really easy with software for 3D animation like Blender, but those are usually a bit complicated. Should I just keep using Photoshop or is there a tool that could help me?


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Re: Easier way to make this kind of animation?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2015, 12:45:30 »
Photoshop does have 3D and animation support. You could easily do it there.
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Re: Easier way to make this kind of animation?
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2015, 08:07:38 »
Photoshop does have 3D and animation support. You could easily do it there.

Full 3D support is only in Photoshop Extended, though.


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Re: Easier way to make this kind of animation?
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2015, 09:19:22 »
I know this is probably really easy with software for 3D animation like Blender, but those are usually a bit complicated. Should I just keep using Photoshop or is there a tool that could help me?

From personal experience, Photoshop is really ill-suited for this kind of work. The alternative doesn't have to be real 3D software though. Ages ago I've dabbled into Anime Studio, a kind of cartoon animation software, and it was fairly easy to make fluid pseudo-3D motion with it. Now, I wouldn't recommend paying fifty bucks for just a single job, but freeware in this category could probably be worth looking into.


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Re: Easier way to make this kind of animation?
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2015, 09:20:49 »
Photoshop does have 3D and animation support. You could easily do it there.

Full 3D support is only in Photoshop Extended, though.

Ah, my bad. I did bought PS5 extended indeed, so all the features it has is like standard to me. XD
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Re: Easier way to make this kind of animation?
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2015, 08:23:54 »
Maybe you can do this with GIMP, using the Filters -> Animation -> Spinning Globe function: you pick a flat image and it'll create the frames for a sphere wrapped with it. You can only select the number of frames and the max number of colours for the GIF. For the speed, when exporting the resulting animation as a GIF, you have to check As Animation and specify the duration of a frame in milliseconds.
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