It's been over a year now since I created these two videos, but for some reason I've never posted them here. Oh well, better late than never!
When I first played through the Figure, I got frustrated by it like probably everyone else, but I found that with some practice, it can actually be a really fun challenge! So I decided to speedrun it, and with the finished run I just barely made it below the 5 minute mark. I didn't know of the faster wall climbing trick when I did this, so it could still potentially be done faster, but I'm quite happy with the run as it is
The second video is a compilation of some challenges I put together by exploring the map and searching for spots that are particularly hard to, but still possible to reach. It's interesting how the unique game mechanics in Knytt Underground make it possible to use the environment to create your own challenges! These jumps, too, took quite a bit of practice, and over time I found more and more ways to reach spots that looked impossible to reach at first. I'm particularly proud of the last jump in the video, which looks even more insane than it actually is because I got lucky.
Anyway, here are the links to the videos!
Figure Space SpeedrunJumping Challenges