A speedrun of the figure space, and another video

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Offline Zathnic

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A speedrun of the figure space, and another video
« on: July 11, 2014, 20:44:55 »
It's been over a year now since I created these two videos, but for some reason I've never posted them here. Oh well, better late than never!

When I first played through the Figure, I got frustrated by it like probably everyone else, but I found that with some practice, it can actually be a really fun challenge! So I decided to speedrun it, and with the finished run I just barely made it below the 5 minute mark. I didn't know of the faster wall climbing trick when I did this, so it could still potentially be done faster, but I'm quite happy with the run as it is :)

The second video is a compilation of some challenges I put together by exploring the map and searching for spots that are particularly hard to, but still possible to reach. It's interesting how the unique game mechanics in Knytt Underground make it possible to use the environment to create your own challenges! These jumps, too, took quite a bit of practice, and over time I found more and more ways to reach spots that looked impossible to reach at first. I'm particularly proud of the last jump in the video, which looks even more insane than it actually is because I got lucky.

Anyway, here are the links to the videos!

Figure Space Speedrun
Jumping Challenges


Offline LPChip

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Re: A speedrun of the figure space, and another video
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2014, 23:48:25 »
Wow. That is some fricken achievement right there. Well done, and thanks for sharing. You really make it look so easy. Is it a TAS by any chance, or pure skill?

Also the jumping one is nice. Showed me a new technique that I wasn't aware of.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 23:52:17 by LPChip »
on the left, above my avatar.

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Offline Zathnic

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Re: A speedrun of the figure space, and another video
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2014, 11:57:31 »
Wow. That is some fricken achievement right there. Well done, and thanks for sharing. You really make it look so easy. Is it a TAS by any chance, or pure skill?

Nope, not a TAS. I've never done a TAS, but I think if I'd done that I could have easily cut out that one death and some small mistakes and try to make the run as perfect as possible. I don't quite remember, but I think it took me about 20 hours of practice / attempting the run in total before I could pull it off.

Oh, and by the way, if you guys know of any difficult spots in the game that you want me to try to reach, feel free to post them! I may be a little rusty, but I think I'll be able to get into this again. I'll be away from home for the next week though, so I'd have to wait until then ;)
« Last Edit: July 12, 2014, 11:59:35 by Zathnic »


Offline LPChip

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Re: A speedrun of the figure space, and another video
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2014, 14:36:12 »
It definitely is an impressive run, especially since its not a TAS.

I don't know any hard-to-reach spots, as I'm not that good myself. :P Some of the spots you went to I was like, no really? XD

I guess one jump you could do is this one:
on the left, above my avatar.

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Re: A speedrun of the figure space, and another video
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2014, 17:02:10 »
Ha! I did it! :P


I approached the starting location in a different way than you mentioned, and while that added a little bit to the challenge, it was also a neat little shortcut :)


Offline LPChip

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Re: A speedrun of the figure space, and another video
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2014, 19:02:57 »
Nice! :) Yeah, thats what I meant.
on the left, above my avatar.

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"If I tried to kill you, I'd end up with a big fat hole through my laptop." - Chironex


Offline Nifflas

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Re: A speedrun of the figure space, and another video
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2014, 16:30:54 »
Wow, this is super cool stuff :D Some of those jump challenges (e.g. the third one), I've actually tried myself a while ago, but many others I didn't know were possible!

Re: A speedrun of the figure space, and another video
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2014, 02:24:29 »
nice skills! you should take a look at the main game speedrun and see if there are any improvements you can make :)


Offline Pie_Sniper

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Re: A speedrun of the figure space, and another video
« Reply #8 on: July 28, 2014, 20:24:31 »
Very nice speed run! Here's a neat spot you might enjoy reaching. You may have to be creative, but with your skills perhaps you'll be able to take a more direct route than I did. :)


Offline Zathnic

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Re: A speedrun of the figure space, and another video
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2014, 22:35:48 »
There's actually a really simple way for reaching that spot that you must have overlooked, when you go one room to the right and climb up until you are just inside the room with all the lava and the tube, you can gain enough momentum to reach the spot by letting yourself fall down and just keeping the left and jump keys pressed. But putting that solution aside, it can be quite a challenging jump!

It took me a while to figure out another way to do it, because I don't think the spot can be reached from the left; there are too many obstacles to retain enough momentum. I tried reaching it by using one of the green powerups some screens to the right, but the furthest I could get is the leftmost slope one screen to the right of the challenge screen, but even hitting that slope perfectly I don't think you could reach high enough.

I figured out a more direct way eventually  (Video)  , but what surprises me is that you said you found a less direct route, because I can't think of any less direct way to reach the spot than what I did :P Can you explain which route you took?


Offline Pie_Sniper

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Re: A speedrun of the figure space, and another video
« Reply #10 on: July 30, 2014, 00:36:10 »
You are correct; I realized you could use the lava room to get there quite easily just after I posted. However, the way I got there initially was to use the green powerup two screens above. (To get there you must first go left.) Although it's not the only way to get there, it's still a bit of a challenge to pull that one off.