I'm not really familiar with the terms people usually use for describing music, especially in English, but at first it seemed like a bit too dark for the kind of game I had in mind, but after a few seconds I could see it fitting perfectly in the game, especially if I change the color palette up for each track. Gave me the idea to use different themes for each level, like caves, underwater, space, etc.
I'd love to start trying to make a level around this right away, but maybe I should try to polish the core game a bit and finish the level I have now. That should give you enough time if you feel like changing anything in this one

Thank you for this, now I can gloat about someone making awesome music for a game I'm making

By the way, this is exactly 120 bpm, right? Need to get this right so the game stays in sync.
EDIT: and about formats, I need both OGG and M4A to be sure it plays across all browsers if I'm to make this a browser game as well, but OGG is fine for now.