Hello Nifflas' Support Forum! I thought the best place to post about this was of course, here, because everyone here is nice and friendly as we all know.
So, yes, some may remember me, I'm just a guy that used to lurk around the forum doing random stuff. I don't know, maybe not that many people will actually remember me.. Oh well.
Anyways, I've started a blog. In fact I did, a few weeks ago, haven't posted that much since I feel like no one has been reading my blogs (which is, in fact, true; all the views that my blog have gotten have either been me checking it or my girlfriend checking it, I know, it's sad.) but, you know, I do want to make my blog way bigger and I feel like that's possible, I just need to get an audience.
Now, I'd be really glad if you gave it a look and told me your thoughts or just general comments about it here. I'll be glad to take advice, requests or whatever.
I'm sorry if this seems like advertising, you know, perhaps it might be considered that, but I just like the idea of a blog, so, yeah.
So, here's the actual link to the blog:
http://randomteenagerwithrandomopinions.blogspot.com/Again, there's nothing much there so far and what there is is kind of... I don't know, depressing. But I swear I'll write more stuff and all.
Well, that's all!