I feel the same about the early 3D games in the 90's. I think the key to why it failed was that the graphics tried to look realistic, despite that the technology just wasn't there. Even when it comes to today's 3D graphics, I think games that try to be realistic will be forgotten since the future will obviously have way better hardware, where stylized 3D games like Journey or Shelter will be remembered as beautiful gems forever.
I'm obviously not going to go for a realistic style. Besides that I'm not interested in it, I don't have the resources to pull it off well. Whatever I do will probably be quite simple for a while until I get better with making shaders, but I'm getting a very good hang of 3D vectors and math now, and can already do nicely moving characters (well, I got tons of practice in Affordable Space Adventures even most of it is 2D...ish, but that ship is complicated stuff).