Oh geez. I have been gone too long. Let's sort through this then.
Why exactly 8 tiles? why such an abundance of rules? I was going to contribute but with 8 tiles can't do what I wanted.
Because, my dear Salmoneous, it directs the player to strategize with the tileset and use space intelligently. Also, it's there to ensure that, unless interest wanes, one player does not gain majority tiles on the project.
I'd personally vote for changing the rule to 'up to 8 tiles'. Or 'four to eight' or something.
I'd rather not, considering that this might create a situation where contributions become just too small, and the tileset becomes a field full of only tiny props.
(Takes a look at the rest of the updates for Tileset 2)
Salmoneous adds 19 tiles at first.
Then Talps suggests pink tree variants.
Then Salmoneous adds 2 more and rearranges it.
All within 1 day.
Now, this is WAY beyond the limit. However, due to my absence, (and the fact that your addition is wonderful) I will now do this:
- Added Talps pink trees.
- Added pink tree branch variants with bells tied on.
- Added a black tile for technical purposes.
- Named the tileset.
Tis now done! Don't expect me to miss another lapse in the rules anytime soon.