Settings say "Error," most controls don't work.

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Offline Randy

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Settings say "Error," most controls don't work.
« on: March 03, 2014, 06:40:48 »

I apologize if this is in the wrong forum. A while ago, I purchased the Humble Bundle that contained Knytt Underground. I just fired it up for the first time today, and the game is currently unplayable. I can walk left and right, hit the S button to make me flash, and that's it. When I went into the control settings, every one of the settings said "Error." For example, it said "Jump: Error." I was able to change all of the settings back to default (except Layout, which is permanently stuck at "Error"), but the controls still don't work. All of the settings under General all say "Error" as well, and I cannot change those.

I've tried reinstalling the game and verifying the integrity of the cache (Steam version), but nothing worked. Any suggestions?

I can provide screenshots of the problem if necessary.

Thanks a lot.


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Re: Settings say "Error," most controls don't work.
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2014, 07:37:53 »
The keyboard settings file is inside the Data\Keyboard subfolder in the installation folder of the game (don't know where that is in the Steam version though). You can try and have a look at the 'Chowdren Windows.ini' file and see if there's anything wrong; if in doubt, post it here.

Also, you could have a look at the personal settings file, which contains the customized settings for the user, in '\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Nifflas\Knytt Underground\Chowdren Windows.ini' (I think it's there).
« Last Edit: March 03, 2014, 07:42:05 by AA »
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Re: Settings say "Error," most controls don't work.
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2014, 16:57:34 »
The locations for this on steam are at a different location.

Given that this is data that'll be synched with the Steam Cloud, you'll have to look in the following location:

<your path to steam>Steam\Userdata\########\248190\remote

The ####### is your unique steam ID number. If you have more than one maps here with a number, then they're from all the people who use your computer with their accounts. You mway want to look at the last modified date to see which is yours.

You'll find settings - chowdren windows.ini there.

If for some reason you have insufficient permissions, the game might not be able to save there. By setting permissions on the entire userdata folder to include write, it may fix the problem.
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Offline Randy

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Re: Settings say "Error," most controls don't work.
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2014, 10:33:07 »
Thanks for the responses.

All of the permissions were fine. Here's the .ini file:

I forgot to mention that the full screen option just doesn't work. When I ran it the first time, it was in full screen, but I minimized it and it went into windowed mode and it is stuck there even after a restart.


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Re: Settings say "Error," most controls don't work.
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2014, 16:20:55 »
They're definitely wrong. You can edit the file manually if you want. I suppose that's the file with the personal settings; the defaults should be

Code: [Select]
Window Mode=Full Screen
Graphics=High Quality
Edge Lines=Enabled
Quick Map=32
Ambiance Volume=100
Music Volume=100
Sound Volume=100
Out of Focus Volume=0

But to make the settings menu work again, I think there's another file that should be recovered (the one in Data/keyboard in the non-Steam version). Attached is the file from my installation.
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Offline Randy

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Re: Settings say "Error," most controls don't work.
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2014, 20:37:29 »
That did the trick. Thank you.


Offline Nifflas

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Re: Settings say "Error," most controls don't work.
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2014, 21:15:36 »
Odd though, I'm very confused why this happened in the first place. The only case I know where the game would fail is if it isn't given write access to the path where it needs to store the settings, but Steam should make sure that cannot happen.


Offline LPChip

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Re: Settings say "Error," most controls don't work.
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2014, 21:27:09 »
Odd though, I'm very confused why this happened in the first place. The only case I know where the game would fail is if it isn't given write access to the path where it needs to store the settings, but Steam should make sure that cannot happen.

I recently helped someone with a save problem in GRID2 by telling them to set write permissions.

The only reason this can happen if you're on a limited account and administrative privleges are required to install the game, which can happen if steam is installed into the program files directory.

Then there's the possibility that somehow the directory got a write lock and windows can't understand that the lock is already done. This can happen if the computer crashed during the write process.

Also, the way steam cloud works, if a save file gets corrupted at some point (which is unlikely to happen, but it can happen), then it is damaged until the game and all associated files are deleted because with a Verify Game cache action, only the files in the steamapps folders are checked, not the actual savegame. They are synchronised back and forth after each game, but if the file is damaged, and the game itself does not fix it, but instead ignores it, then that file remains unchanged, and thus unaffected.

So if the game can't read the settingsfile, it should generate a new one by itself and rename the damaged one.

A manual action in this case would be to remove the file yourself so the game can recreate one.
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Re: Settings say "Error," most controls don't work.
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2023, 14:40:11 »
i0m stuck in this problem and can't get out of this "error" bug in settings


Offline sergiocornaga

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Re: Settings say "Error," most controls don't work.
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2023, 05:32:06 »
i0m stuck in this problem and can't get out of this "error" bug in settings
Have you tried all the suggestions mentioned in this thread?