A Climbing Alike[Challenge/Misc/Hard]MediumLevel is about
100% done
Looking for
at least any testers
Ego's KS +Preview link:
http://nifflas.lpchip.nl/index.php?topic=6631Beta link:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/smmbdquffk5a1u6/plural%20-%20A%20Climbing%20Alike.knytt.bin?dl=0Feel free to PM me feedback and especially about any bugs. I'm interested in knowing about the difficulty, especially once you get the eye powerup. I'm a very bad judge of difficulty. You can post anything about it here, but it's probably better to PM just so that it doesn't clutter up the thread.
I would like to thank Fubaka for testing and finding many bugs to fix.
Based on his report the following has been updated:
Removed unused shift (x998y1001) (I was using this to test the spritesheet for robot character and forgot about it)
Fixed warps to effectively loop to the same room (x998y983 + x998y982) (There are timed shifts that transport to the next screen and lead to an "ending" forgot to use the warps to loop the room around.)
Restricted ghost slime to its platform (x995y997)
Fixed the paying money to McGloomy shift (x1007y1010) (It was mistakenly set to an absolute shift with an x and y value of nothing which put you in the wall instead of the next duplicate room)
Both the arcade room and the BloxMaster arcade room have been fixed to actually have walls (x1004y1010 + x1004y1009)
Warp functions fixed, i.e. actually used (x1002y1007 + x1002y1008 + x1002y1009)
Pushed layer 3 objects back to make it impossible to climb up and enter wallswims/void screens (x1009y1024)
The level link is updated to reflect the changes.
Thanks to Vegetal Gibber for testing.
Based on suggestions and bug reports from Vegetal Gibber the following changes have been made:
Once again, back to actually putting warps I didn't initially (x1001y1012 + x1001y1013)
Added a ghost that gives slight hints of void screens and secrets talking about the newly unsolid blocks when you get the eye. Also moved a gold coin to be unreachable until you get the eye but viewable.
Changed the jump to get to the eye area to be easier, it was probably a better idea to do this anyway as it already needs the yellow key. I had initially made it so hard to make people give up trying to get there until later, the yellow key doors already accomplish this.
Added multiple high-jump powerup duplicates on the bottom of the ocean because falling in and creating a way to jump out creates too many possibilities for wallswims because the swim blocks prevent from getting up two blocks at a time.
I may create a few custom objects for sitting characters that cross over two blocks so that the player character can walk behind them and not separate their legs from their body because they're both background, but not right now
Changes I've made on my own: plural says "sergio's times travel machine makes sense" it should be "no sense"
Added sign B for the second robot on x1002y1002, he was always supposed to have dialogue but I forgot.
The level link is updated to reflect the changes.
Also, this is something I should have mentioned earlier. The way you get a big boost sometimes from jumping from screens where the water (swim block) is on the bottom but there is no water at the top, this is a problem with KS+ or rather a problem with screen switching and how fast it happens. There are more details about this in the KS+ thread.
Thanks to Sergio for testing.
Based on his report the following changes/fixes have been made:
SGEs on the intro fixed (faint yellow lines on two images), and a spelling error on an alternate "ending" fixed - "endles" to endless.
SGE and small missing solid fixes (x998y1002 (SGE - red dot) + x999y1003 (Missing layer 3 tile) + x1003x1012 (Missing invisible block) + x1009y1010 (SGEs bottom row of layer 3 tiles not placed)
duplicate screens did not have 2-way platforms placed, the 2-way object or the visual representation of them either, now they are placed (x1006y992, x1008y992)
Fixed dialogue error "robot" to "ghost" (x997y1004)
Fixed bottom row of visible map to be the same color, most left as default, should be pink
The second save screen in the void maze can now be reached by entering a series of shifts that take you to the moving spikes screen rather than figuring out which warp is correct by just randomly traversing.
upcoming additions:
There will now be different results when finishing either arcade game.
A robot coming out of the cannon when it fires.
The level link reflects the changes aside from the upcoming additions, as those will take more time, so I'll get them done later. Tonight or tomorrow.
I have added different outcomes for each arcade game win.
COs of sitting characters. CO of robot coming out of cannon.
The level link should be close to the final product now but I'll wait a couple days for anyone who has any more feedback.
*small denouement edit*
changed scene3 of the ending to say "akin and afar" rather than "alike and apart." Redundancy, even for the sake of the poetic, just sounds odd to me in this case.
*Epilogue edit*
Sergio found another bug, possible wallswim at x1001y1021, I fixed that by just putting floor across the whole screen.
A couple more spelling errors found were fixed or in some other way edited.
The Cannon's speed of each component CO and Ambiance were sped up to 1.5x their initial speed to make the shot look more natural.
The CO of the robot flying was motion blurred by Sergio, and I'm using that one.