The Infinity Hype update is up now! Also, the Linux builds are no longer beta.

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Offline Nifflas

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Everybody who got the game on Fastspring or Gamer's Gate should be able to download the Infinity Hype update (1.2.1) now. Ripstone is getting the game up on more of the distribution platforms now. I'm 99% sure everything is set up correctly, but please let me know if everything is okay with the builds, and which OS you're playing on.

This update should also fix that annoying problem with some Intel graphics cards.

Did the ingame timer make it into the update?  :)


Offline Nifflas

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Sorry, I wanted to avoid having to make a recompile (it's a bit of a hassle since it needs to be compiled for three operating systems), especially since very soon, Mathias will help me integrating Steam related features into the game. I think that will be my best opportunity to add some new things (if I do, it'll apply to the non-Steam version too).

Hooray! :D Is IndieRoyale one of those platforms? Also how is the Steam Greenlight going?


Offline Fubaka

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Ah, nobody has said anything about the update itself yet, eh?  I get first word, then.  8)

I probably haven't discovered everything yet, but my favorite part of the update so far is the question mark warp, where Nicklas talks about what inspired the story between Cilia and Hannah.

It is that area that reminds me once again why I love Knytt Underground more than almost every other game ever made, regardless of budget or technical chops.
Things to remember when writing figures of speech and sound:
The power of poetry comes from the ability to defy logic. Defy logic often.

Use a metaphor and tell us that your lover is the sky. Tell us that your lover is the sky. When you do that, we won't believe you. We won't believe you because saying so makes no sense, but we'll see a meaning. We'll see a meaning.

The other thing is the ability to be remembered. Love anything.

Love anything

Sorry, I wanted to avoid having to make a recompile (it's a bit of a hassle since it needs to be compiled for three operating systems), especially since very soon, Mathias will help me integrating Steam related features into the game. I think that will be my best opportunity to add some new things (if I do, it'll apply to the non-Steam version too).
Totally understandable, thanks for your hard work!

Will this update go into the PS3 / PS Vita version?


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Offline Nifflas

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You however get the game for free on desktop if you have it on PS3/Vita. Just PM me.

I'm a little surprised the void screen above the waterfall wasn't removed, especially since the "forbidden screen transitions" in chapters 1&2 were changed (although that happened a few builds ago I think?)


Offline Nifflas

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The void thing is actually a secret reference to Knytt Stories. Underground actually has no "real" void like that since it cannot load a non-existing room. I realized it may have been a bit cruel to create a hidden reference to KS that you can't get out of.

Oh right, hahaha. I should have guessed it wasn't a real void, since as we've seen KU handles getting out of bounds much better than KS. Still, some indication that the game is not actually broken might be nice.  ;)


Offline sergiocornaga

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Oh right, hahaha. I should have guessed it wasn't a real void, since as we've seen KU handles getting out of bounds much better than KS. Still, some indication that the game is not actually broken might be nice.  ;)

I think only someone looking for secrets and glitches could possibly find that void screen, is such an indication really needed? You can still quit to the menu, if I recall correctly. For the record, I understood that it was a simulated glitch when I uncovered it.


Offline GrayFace

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Speaking of Linux, it's interesting that and both have a "submit an article" option.

how many hours add this expansion?