@Widget: Then again, art (and level making is an artistic endeavour) is meaningful and important, too, and if 'life' were allowed to crowd out art entirely, it would be sad... (Sorry, getting off my soapbox now. It's an issue I struggle with frequently in my own life, is all. Possibly that's why I'm slightly allergic to the often-voiced view that 'life' should have priority over 'art'. I don't think the two can be that easily separated. Oh dear, it seems I'm on the soapbox again. How did I get here? *steps off*)
@farik: It's great to hear you haven't given up on this completely. I think it's perfectly all right to work on stuff very slowly, btw... take it slow when you need to focus on other things, and work on it some more when you feel like it and have some time. :-) Anything worth doing... is worth doing slowly, too. ;-)