I've done some crude renderings of the entire Knytt Underground game world. These are based on the "Tiles" data files, so they don't include any of the nice scenery (grass, smoke, backgrounds, etc.), or complex objects (lava, kill-zones, etc).
Small: 1/16th scale, 2,976px x 1,548px, 348kB:
http://i.minus.com/iKXxdSAe7YUF2.pngMedium: 1/8th scale, 5,952px x 3,096px, 958kB:
http://i.minus.com/iguPanjDEU0U8.pngLarge: 1/4th scale, 11,904px x 6,192px, 2065kB:
http://i.minus.com/ibhCtp9bBfwk5W.pngI've also attached the Python source code of my mapper. Note that PIL (Python Image Library) must be installed, and I use Python 2.7 (though other versions will probably also work).
EDIT: Added missing levels on the right and bottom sides. Changed level color to reflect actual in-game color a bit more. Note that this makes the boundaries between Utopioca and the normal levels look a bit messed up - can't really help this unfortunately.
Here are the old versions maps, in case you preferred their coloration: