Sorry, I thought it was topical. I realized it was a DS game after I posted. It just proves I am feeble minded. I guess I ought to go shoot some zombies.

*feebly thinks of something more topical to say*
I was skeptical of her shape rotation results. Just encountering a test like that, having time to think about it, and retaking the test should improve your score. I'd expect she had a control group who did not play video games between tests, but she never mention it. Much of this could be chicken-and-the-egg. Are they better at the tests because they play video games, or do they play video games because they're the sort who would do well in these tests?
Furthermore, I don't think she gives video games enough credit. Her tests only look at simple brain performance measurements. Video games teach the higher brain functions too. Puzzle solving, problem solving, and resource management appear in most games in one form or another. Most importantly, gamers learn zombie apocalypse survival skills. I want to see a lecture on the results of a study measuring that.