Hello there. I've been fiddling around with the level editor for about a week now and I think its time to create a Knytt Story level. I'm still new to all of these, so bare with me as I make progress in making my level. I'm slowly getting the hang of using the level editor (Im using egomassive's KS+ mod), but I'm still having troubles with using warp and flags.
Anyhow, my level is heavily inspired by the game Limbo and Nightsky. I'm trying to capture Limbo's atmosphere and Nightsky's casual platforming. I finished creating my custom character spritesheet and am currently working on the tilesets that I want to use. I'll probably add puzzle elements in my levels once I'm more familiar with using warp and flags.
I will update this first post as I make progress and will try to provide screenshots for preview.
Custom Character animations.