CO and Tileset request

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CO and Tileset request
« on: October 21, 2012, 00:02:00 »
Illumination isn't really my strongpoint. :(

I've made this lighthouse for my upcoming entry for the current KS competition, but I'm lacking the skills to light it. If anyone could make me a CO of a light beam, I'd be very grateful. If not, it'll just not be switched on for the level.

I'm attaching a screenshot of the top of the lighthouse below, along with some surrounding screens for context, and a few isolated parts of the setup (feel free to edit and include these as part of the CO/a separate component CO/recoloured bits for me to put into the tileset if necessary. I don't really mind if I don't have a beam of light stretching into the empty screen on the left; it's up to you if you go that far.

Thanks is advance!

Also, beware my awful 'smooth' lighting.

Now I've gotta go draw a lighthouse interior...
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 18:33:10 by Talps »


Offline Raicuparta

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Re: Can someone make a CO for my lighthouse?
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2012, 00:44:34 »
How does this look? You weren't very specific so it may not be exactly what you wanted. Also I didn't test it on KS so I don't know the Y offsets, it could require a bit of trial and error to figure out, I can help with that too if you need.
I could also add a flicker animation, like what I used in my "Some Room" level.


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Re: Can someone make a CO for my lighthouse?
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2012, 14:37:17 »
Hehe, subtle advertisement there :P
I hadn't played that one before; it was really good :D (Though a tile on the second floor above the lamp is on the wrong layer in at least one screen, so it's possible to slip down and gglitch the game). I was rather disappointed that there was only one room, especially with that promising rainstorm at the window.

I've put the CO's in place (Y=-17, as it happens) and they look absolutely fantastic; a thousand times better than I could do, so thanks a ton. I'm not sure about flickering; I guess really it ought to rotate or switch on and off or something. But I think I'm content with it as it is. So thanks again. Wish I had half your skill for this graphic design lark.

If I forget to credit you, feel free to hunt me down with a small axe (only a small one, mind).
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 14:49:29 by Talps »


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Re: Can someone make a CO for my lighthouse?
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2012, 16:22:54 »
I just noticed that the base for the lamp that you provided separately is a tiny bit (2 pixels) higher than the one you have on the actual lighthouse. Probably doesn't matter, but I thought I should let you know. If you don't know what I'm talking about, just alternate between my screenshot and your screenshot and you'll notice it.

I'm glad you like it, I'm always happy to help, especially since I know it will be put to good use.
I don't remember if you credited me last time I helped you with a CO (it was a tiny glowing light animation), but I don't really mind for something as tiny as this.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 16:26:12 by Raicuparta »


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Re: Can someone make a CO for my lighthouse?
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2012, 17:39:58 »
You were credited in 'Do Not Pick Up The Key'.

And it's not tiny if you can't do it! And you always give such a higher quality product than I'm hoping for!

Oh yeah, I moved it down slightly to try and make it look less like it was sitting on the wall and was sitting behind it; I must have tweaked it after I made the isolated version and forgot to carry over the edit; I had a feeling I was forgetting a detail last night. Never mind; it doesn't show up so I'm not too fussed.

EDIT: Since this has gone so well, I've decided to ask if anyone would be able/willing to make me a quick tileset. I've been searching for one I can use but I've only found one and I don't like it that much.

The level is called 'I Chased the Moon'. It's an environmental (I know, who am I and what did I to with the real Talps), set at night as per the competition theme. I'm just making it a simple little journey over some islands (one of them has a lighthouse, of all things), interspersed with some prosaic poetry I've written. (I can't confess to writing poetry without being slightly cynical with myself - sign of a dismal world I fear.)

I want one of the islands to have a small village on, but I'm having trouble finding a tileset I like, which is why I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help. I want something a little like the little villages you encounter in 'Knytt' or 'A Strange Dream'. A small village over a few screens, small houses that are to scale with the Knytts. No people about 'cus it's night. Windows lit or unlit as options. Also, as I'm using Ego's mod I was thinking of maybe making some windows light up as the player passes using lit windows as CO's and triggers to make them spawn.
It's a pleasant environment, maybe rocky but grassy and possibly with flowers. Lit by moonlight from the top right.

Alternatively, if anyone knows of or has made a tileset that might suit, I'm all ears!

If anyone can help (bearing in mind limited time, though Ix is yet to specify a closing date for some reason) I'd be very grateful. I'm asking on a whim to be honest, as I can't find anything I really like, but I want an end product for this level to be as good as possible (as ever) so I thought I'd at least try asking.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2012, 18:33:48 by Talps »