My thoughts: It feels very... slight. And I say this knowing that I have made so many slight levels of my own. How are you going to build on this, exactly? If you don't feel like you can make this much bigger, it might be better to make up some kind of ending for this, thus making it more of a traditional environmental. And why does Juni start out with just the run power-up, when she can't even get past the first screen without a climb? I played most of the level in the editor due to this. Did you maybe want to put the power-ups in the level itself? You can find them all in Objects Bank 0.
Re: Taking a picture of the screen: What you want to do is, first, hit the "Print Screen" key while the game is running. Next, open your image editor of choice (even MS Paint will work), and paste the image into the editor. Finally, crop the image so that only the game part shows and voila! You have a screenshot. To make it even easier on yourself, try pushing "alt" plus "Print Screen", instead of just "Print Screen". This will make an image copy of the currently running process, which should be your game. Was this helpful?