First, welcome to the forum!
(And Muse is awesome. Knights of Cydonia?
Anyway, never post your screenshos in .JPG format. Always use .PNG format. And put the subject as, "[TYPE] NAME" So, if your level is an Challenge/Puzzle named Photosynthesis, your subject would be, "[Challenge/Puzzle] Photosynthesis" And, what I do is put news in parenthesis. So, I'm guessing this is a challenge, right? Then your subject should be "[Challenge] Maelstrom (Need beta testers!)"
Anyway, I'm busy with a level of mine, so I can't.
Sorry. But these do look promising, though I've seen this tileset a thousand times before.
Try using non-default tilesets. You can find them on the broken forum by changing
/forum/ in the URL to
/forum2/ then navigate to Level Editing, then Public Tilesets.